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Hello I've decided to go through with another dare book

I know you probably asking why I don't just add this to the other book and my answer is because I'm complicated and because the other dare book is long T.T

This is going to be pretty similar to my other dare book and I know I didn't put any rules on the other books.... Maybe I did, I just can't find it...

Anyway the rules are simple

Nothing NSFW (not safe for work)
Please try to keep it my ships (main ships are ScisTape, Rubber Band X Hole Punch, and Bobby X Olivia)
I will also be doing the OC thing in my last dare book but I will not have you OC or characters here every other dare, that just becomes hard for me.
If the AU has not been completed you can not ask any dares that could spoil what I haven't written or ask for the character from later in the timeline
You can ask dares for any of the characters that appeared in fanfic even if it was only for a small amount.

Last rule is to have fun!

Last thing here are the AU (titles of the fanfics)  that you are allowed to ask and give dares to I will update this list as I add more

Scripted (Not Completed)
Keeped in the Castle (Not Completed)
Not Quite dead (Completed)
Forgotten (Completed)

A Different World is not included as there is a separate thing for that

And because I feel like at least one person is going to ask No Project Stationery is not included it will be later (once I finish and post it)

Last thing here is the character sheet
Appearance questions(sorry it just helps me know who I'm writing for)
Hair color(s):
Eye color(s):
Skin color:
Clothing style
Anything else I should know:

I hope that covers it see you in the first dare  and me Luna >:D just when I thought I could get rid of you

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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