Chapter 1: Invite.

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Diane was leaving for the day and went home. When she did she looked through her mail. She looked through it calling out what she got.

Diane: Bill, Letter from my Mom, Coupon for a free spa day...

She then pulled out a strange looking envelope.

Diane: What's this?

She opened it. It was an invitation to the Man/Woman of the year awards. Diane couldn't believe her eyes.


Then she saw where the location is.

Diane: Gotham City. Hmm. I'm gonna need some bodyguards. And I know just the guys.

The scene cuts to Wolf.

Wolf: NO. NO NO NO.

Piranha: Ey it's just a draw 4.

The camera reveals the gang playing Uno.

Wolf: Yeah and now Snake's gonna win the game.

Snake: Uno out pal. You owe me 10 bucks.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Wolf opened it.

Wolf: Diane. Come in what's up?

Diane: Well I got this letter. It's an invitation to the Man/Women of the year awards.

Wolf: That's amazing.

Piranha: Wow chica. You gonna be outta town.

Diane: Actually we're going outta town. I need some bodyguards.

Webs: Sure. We got your back.

Shark: Where we headed?

Diane: Well that's the bad news. It's in Gotham City

Wolf: Well....

Snake: We're not going!

The gang were taken a back.

Wolf: Snake if she needs us to....


Wolf: Hey! What's your problem!?

Snake: Nothing! We're not going that's it!

Snake then stormed of into his room.

Shark: Man I never seen him this.

Wolf: I'll talk to him.

Wolf went into Snake's room.

Wolf: Snake what was that!?

Snake: Don't!

Wolf: In case you forgot I'm in charge of this team.

Snake: And I am your second in command.

Wolf: It's just Gotham. What's your problem with Gotham.

Wolf saw Snake was sweating.

Wolf: What's wrong?

Snake: I'm scared. I can't face him.

Wolf: Him? Him who?

Snake: None of your business!

Wolf: If it's one of those costume lunatics then....

Snake: No. Look let's just not go. Do this for me.

The Bad Guys meet The DC Heroes (Man of the Year)Where stories live. Discover now