Chapter Nine

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Vegas arrived at the main family mansion, his footsteps echoing against the grand entrance. It was an unusual day with no scheduled meetings, but he had decided to visit. His heart yearned to talk to Pete, express his feelings sincerely, and hope for redemption.

As he stepped inside, Chan spotted Vegas and approached him curiously. "Good day, Khun Vegas. What brings you to the mansion today?" Chan asked, genuinely intrigued by his unexpected presence.

Vegas, feeling desperate and containing his frustration, replied sharply, "I'm here to visit, Chan. Am I not allowed? And can you mind your own fucking business?" With that dismissive response, Vegas strolled through the mansion's hallways, his gaze sweeping across the opulent surroundings in hopes of catching a glimpse of Pete. He roamed from room to room, floor to floor, his determination growing with each passing moment.

After what felt like an eternity, Vegas spotted Pete in the distance, taking a solitary cigarette break near the tranquil koi pond. Pete's calm demeanor contrasted with the storm of emotions swirling within Vegas. Taking a deep breath, Vegas approached Pete and mustered up a greeting. "Hey, Pete," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

Pete looked up, meeting Vegas's gaze. His expression was guarded, his eyes reflecting a hint of coldness. "Khun Vegas," he greeted curtly, not offering much warmth in return.

Vegas hesitated for a moment, sensing the tension in the air. "Can we talk?" he asked, his voice filled with a desperate plea.

Pete's response was swift and resolute. "I have nothing to say to you," he declared, his words cutting through the air.

Frustration surged through Vegas, threatening to consume him. In a moment of vulnerability, he confessed, "Porsche didn't run away with me because we were together. I'm helping Porsche escape from the main family. Porsche found out that Uncle Korn killed their parents, and he and his brother don't want anything to do with the main family anymore. I'm just helping Porsche."

Pete's face softened, sympathy dawning in his eyes as he processed the weight of Porsche's situation. He felt a pang of guilt for misjudging his friend and Vegas's intentions. "I... I understand," he murmured, his voice filled with compassion. Turning to face Vegas, he continued, "Thank you for helping Porsche escape. Please tell him that I wish him a better life."

A glimmer of hope flickered in Vegas's eyes as he saw an opportunity to share his true feelings. "Now that you know about my relationship with Porsche, maybe you can consider being with me," Vegas proposed, his voice quivering with a mix of vulnerability and desperation. "We can run away from this family, too. I promise I'll take good care of you. We'll be happy, Pete. I promise,"

At that moment, Kinn came out and saw the two talking. He hides behind a huge wall and listens to the two.

Pete's gaze remained steady, but his voice held an unwavering certainty. "No, Vegas," he replied firmly. "I don't want to run away with you, even if you're not with Porsche. I can't forget what you did to me—the torture, the abuse, the way you hurt me. I've forgiven you for my peace of mind, but I won't forget it. I love the main family, and I'll never betray them. I'll continue serving as Tankhun's head bodyguard for as long as possible. And I won't leave Kinn either; I'm in love with him," Pete confessed, his voice tinged with determination.

Tears welled up in Vegas' eyes as he pleaded, "Please, Pete, don't abandon me. I can't bear the thought of losing you again."

Pete's expression turned pained. His voice filled with a mix of compassion and finality. "I already abandoned you when I escaped from the safe house," he whispered, piercing Vegas' heart. Pete sighs, "Take out the hate from your heart and live a better life, Vegas" With those words, Pete turns away from Vegas, leaving him heartbroken.

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