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"Dazai you fucker, hurry up were gonna be late to our mission!", chuuya yelled while violently punching dazai door. "hurry up you lazy worthless piece of trash!"chuuya continued to yell and punch dazais door . "uhhhh" chuuya was just going to have to do this mission alone now wasn't he. as chuuya began to walk away he felt this nagging feeling that he needed to get dazai "ahh fuck that lousy bastard"chuuya mumbled as he walked over to dazais door one more time, as he bagan to try and unlock the door using a tooth pick but he had never been as good as dazai at picking locks or even good in the first place he prefers to just kick them down use blunt force so, that's exactly what he did he swung his leg and kicked the door down watching as it smacked the floor with a thump. He walked around the apartment looking for dazai, and somewhere deep inside him he began to grow somewhat worried, something he thought he would never feel when it came to dazai. he began to run around the apartment frantically. he turned the place upside down looking for the man that he so hated. "Dazai where are you damnit". Chuuya finally looked up and saw the last closed door. The only door he paused before opening. The door to the bathroom. He knew about dazais life goal or should I say death goal (haha I'm like literally so funny aren't I?). "Dazai, buddy, I'm going to open the door now, please don't be in there, at least not on the ground covered in blood". Chuuya said while opening the door. When he opened the door he was met with what he had feared, dazai, covered in blood, just lying there in a pool of his own blood. Chuuya stood there in shock for a moment. He may have killed many, massacred hundreds, scared thousands, but he still couldn't stand to see his partner in crime hurt or injured, not to mention like this. Dazai had two long deep cuts going up both of his arms. Blood was spewing out of them, like some cursed water fountain you would find in the zombie apocalypse movies. Dazai also had many smaller cuts all over his body, his legs, arms, stomach, chest, and back were almost all covered in scares. Some new some old some spelled out words such as worthless, lazy, monster, bastard, kys, die, monster, monster, monster, monster. God, dazai had written one word much more than the others, monster. Yes, to some he may be but, in the end he was just trying to live, to survive. Chuuya Wondered why dazai had done this, why he had felt that way, chuuya knew how smart dazai was without even trying so he must have known that him just trying to survive didn't make him a monster, right? Chuuya felt a tear run down his cheek slowly making its way down his face which broke him out of his shock. He ran to dazai kneeling down next to him. He picked up his phone and immediately called mori telling him he needed to get the medic here quick telling him the condition dazai was currently in, he was holding back tears the whole time barley being able to make a coherent sentence doing his best to choke out the words while his voice got weaker by the word. The paramedics said they would arrive in a few minutes, and requested that chuuya stay on the line. Chuuya complied. He looked and stared at dazais almost lifeless body that lay before him, this may have been the only time chuuya hadn't viewed him as human. "Please l, dazai, I, please stay, come on, just hold on, just a little longer please, dazai I'm begging you, please, please hold on dazai.", Chuuya begged as he held dazai in recovery position on the blood stained linoleum floor. (Recovery position is on your side with one hand beneath your head and the lay across your body, it's used so that if they throw up or cough up blood or something they don't choke.) "Chuuya where are you guys" a voice that chuuya would always recognize echoed through the small apartment. It was mori, he was here with some other paramedics. "Where in here, in the bathroom" chuuya choked out, he tried to remain put together but he knew he wouldn't be able to, not while dazai was in his current state. As the paramedics walked in their eyes all widened, excluding mori, and all mori was able to mutter was "damnit dazai" sighing all he could manage to do before immediately rushing over to dazai. Mori and the other paramedics immediately put dazai on a stretcher and carried him out to the ambulance with chuuya following close behind. As soon as the paramedics loaded dazai into the ambulance they began to hook him up to machines and drive away. Even the mafia was human enough to have someone stay with chuuya and take him to the private mafia hospital to see dazai after surgery. The one to stay with chuuya and keep him calm during dazais surgery was kyouko. As he sat there crying and panicking, he was hyperventilating and shaking. He had no clue what would happen to dazai. She was like a mother to him so he was calmed down by her quite quickly. They were constantly informed on dazai condition during the surgery in hopes it would help keep chuuya calm. The whole port mafia seemed to know about what was going on with dazai which sent the whole organization into mayhem. No one had really realized just how much of a role dazai played in the port mafia. It seemed as though the organization couldn't even function without the man. Chuuya, so incredibly overwhelmed, stressed, and panicked passed out after about an hour. Honestly, kyouko found it surprising that he had even managed to stay awake that long with the amount of stress that was visibly radiating off of him. She felt incredibly bad for him, even she didn't know what to do.

A/N-- this page ended up being 1030 words not counting A/N. I wanted to know what you guys thought about this story so far. I'm not very good at writing and a lot of details I wanted to add I didn't know how to using words. I did my best and would love some constrictive criticism if you have any. I hope you have a good day. And I know you probably don't believe me I mean, I don't believe people when they say that to me either but I do mean it. I truly hope that your life can improve every day. I know it can't, I mean it's illogical, but hey, since when was positivity bad? Anyway farewell, hope you enjoyed this story so far, and without further Ado...........To Be Continued. =]

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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