Old Memories

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At this night Y/N start to feel weak and at this moment start dreaming this time she started to dream of J-hope crying and holding Mang,both were crying and say weird things like"i need you","i love you","i want you".

Then Y/N Heard his voice she started to run to him to see him. Then when Y/N came she found him ,then J-hope turn to found it's her then he said "Y...Y....Y/N You are really here?",then he holds her so hard Y/N done the same to J-hope,then J-hope start talking and said"i missed you so much Y/N, I'm so crazy about you,i need you so hard in my life Y/N "after those words Y/N felt her heart beats start to beat fast as if it were...LOVE!?/

Then she found J-hope telling her in her ear"Y/N I Love You " Y/N at this moment felt the love that she never got with her life but she know that's a dream but she can't stop herself from hugging J-hope .

Then J-hope start to diaper but Y/N can't hold it right away she were seeing him diaper and she moved in tears,but J-hope told her "Y/N !......Your my hope I'm your hope...I.. I'm J-hope" and there was so many tears in his eyes but he tired to not show his tears then he smiled and he's gone.

Y/N tired to not cry but she couldn't hold ,but a little minutes there came JUNKOOK!?

And he looked so young, beautiful and having beauty eyes.

Then he looked at Y/N and smiled and ran away and Y/N ran to find him then she saw Junkook open a small door and came inside it but Y/N couldn't came in because it was so small for her but she knocked on the door and then Junkook opened for her and Y/N looked at his eyes too,she felt a weird feel she have never felt.

And at this moment Junkook came closer to her face and told her "i feel so scared,i feel so scared to fall for you to end to be broken from the one i love ",Y/N were blushing her
cheeks were so red and heating ,and Junkook were looking at her eyes both were having the same feel but at this moment Junkook said "i can't do this, I'm scared" the Y/N grabbed him into her hug and told him "don't ever feel scared i will always be here by your side".

then Junkook hugged her too and said"i love you Y/N i can't hide this feel anymore,do you love me too?"

Y/N there was a pretty drawn smil in her beautiful face,and Junkook looked at her and knew she have the same feels for him, then he kissed her in her cheeks,but Y/N freezed at this moment her cheeks became all red so red and heating.

For Junkook he can't take his eyes away from Y/N's eyes both of there eyes filled with so much love then both of them close there eyes and at this moment Y/N don't want him to go but then she wake,find the doctor and the nurses were trying to wake her,her breasts were slowing down until the doctor came when Y/N looked at the doctor she found that his face is so close to someone she know but she couldn't remember ,then the doctor started to ask one of the nurses to bring for Y/N some water to wake her a bit because he felt that she may not a totally awake

then Y/N asked the doctor of his name ,but he didn't listen to her because he were busy of knowing more about this girl's condition.

But then he started to look at her and ask some questions like "Miss Y/N could you tell me when did you start to sleep for so long times?" Y/N answered with" to be honest i don't know that i were sleeping for so long time but i think because of working for so long time".

Then the doctor asked her again"humm so you think you were sleeping for long time because you don't take any rest ",then Y/N said"ya i think so,but can i ask you a little question "then the doctor allowed her to ask "do you think because of an accident happened to me in the past would that cause for me so many dreams?"then the doctor answered her"maybe because this accident has effected you so hard,so i guess that has made you dream of things or people you seen in this accident ".

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