chapter 8

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Chris and I both started at each other with nothing to say. I was in shock to see Jay-Z, wait didn't he tell me to meet him at olive garden. How could I be this stupid? Chris got money out of his wallet and drop it on the table “Its great to know you got enough money to spend it on other people's wife." Jay-Z said behind me starring at Chris. I didn't want him to think I hang around Chris just because of his money, so I said

"Hey, I got this"

"Its alright, I will see you some other times" he replied getting up to leave.

"How about never." Jay-Z snap. Chris gave him a half smile.

"If I were you, I would keep an eye on her."

What! He did not just said that

"Chris!" I called out his name hoping he could just shut up as he started to walk away.

"Oh I got it, how about you get yourself a girlfriend and stop being an ass hoe,” Jay-Z said behind Chris.

"Jay “I said his name trying to make him see we are at a restaurant. Chris gave him a middle finger as his answer back. Okay Chris should not have done that. "Is that the kind of guy you want? If you love him so much why not marry him!" Jay-Z loudly whisper next to me.

"We were just having dinner." I replied

"I don't want to hear." He said as he started walking toward the front door.

" Jay, wait" I call out behind him, but he kept on walking. I got up from my seat and tried to catch up to him. "Can you please just wait?” I said behind him, but he kept on going. I stopped at the door as I, watched him get into his car and drove away. Fuck I just mess everything up again. I rushed to my car and drove after him.


When I got home Jay-Z's car was not in the driveway. Shit where did he go. I parked the car and quickly walked to the front door, opened it and got inside.

"Jay, are you in here!" I shouted but got no answer. Where could he have gone? I searched as many room as I could, upstairs even down, he was in none of them. Fine he can just choose to run away from me. I went upstairs to change into comfy clothes. My hair was now hanging in a messing bun. The house was so quit since I was the only person inside. I went into the kitchen and got me a bowel of ice cream, walked into the TV room and had a seat on the couch. I took out my phone and called Beyonce. It ringed and ringed and ringed to the point where I end up hearing my own voice mail. Oh how I miss my own voice. I dropped the phone on the couch and turned on the TV. Keeping up with the Kardashians was on, so I watched that instead. I curled myself into a ball while eating ice cream. I'm still a teen inside and I love watching TV while curled up on the couch.


As time past by I heard the door ball ring. At first I ignore it thinking its Jay-Z. His got the keys and he could open it, but than it ringed again. This time I got up from the couch to go open it. I twist the door handle open. Omg! What the fuck is Kanye West doing here. I was shock and I guess he could tell.

"Did, I scare you?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"No, not really." I try playing it cool.

"Shawn home?"

"What!" I asked confused making it seem like I didn't hear him

"Your husband." he relied leaning closer. Duh, how could I not remember Jay-Z 's real name.

" No, he left to go grab something down the streets." I lied,

" I’m let you go back to your rest, tell him I stop by." He said turning around to leave

Switch Bodies With Beyonce, A Chris Brown,Beyonce, Jay-z Story(Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now