Chapter 23: Crave.

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Present Day.

Olivia's POV.





That name keeps whispering itself in my ear over and over again, not because I'm drunk, no, I had two bottles of beer and then I stopped drinking cause I didn't feel like swallowing anything, I felt like vomiting, I was so sick with myself.


I walk back to my apartment building in the rain, it's kinda funny how people will look at you when you walk casually while it's raining.

I'm not depressed, people, I promise.

I push through the heavy doors of the building, sighing at the sight of the stairs, I start climbing them, one step at a time.

I'm soaking wet, my chest hurts so bad and thoughts about my past self won't leave me the hell alone.

I reach my apartment door, turning the knob and slamming my body against the door but it doesn't budge, I check underneath the mat for the spare key but I don't find it.

"You've got to be fucking shitting me." I grit out.

I hear the door behind me open and I rest my forehead against my door, cursing under my breath.

"Hey, they went out in a hurry, something about a frat party." He informs me, it takes all the will power in my bones for me to finally turn around and face him.

"Yeah, no shit." I respond, striding towards him and entering his apartment without his invitation.

Don't judge me, he was gonna give me one anyway.

"Can I use your shower?" I ask, casually, like he didn't see me half naked just last night.

"Uhm, yeah, this way." He leads the way to his bathroom, he opens the door for me and I walk in.

"And I'm gonna have to borrow your clothes, not like a full outfit cause I'm gonna go home pretty soon, just a sweatshirt and a..." I awkwardly clear my throat, "A pair of boxers." I say randomly which I now realize that sounded pretty specific.

I bite the inside of my lower lip, intentionally slapping myself across the face as he blinks twice, a small amused smile playing on his lips.

"I'd be happy to share my underwear with you, Liv, yeah, I love that we're the kind of neighbors that share-"

"Shut up, man, don't make it awkward." I shut my eyes, cringing myself to death, he laughs, a genuine, deep, warm laugh that gives me butterflies.

"Coming right up." He says like it's a lunch order before strolling to his room.

I close the door, looking around his uneventful bathroom.


A few minutes later, I hear a light knock on the bathroom door, I smile, I don't even know why but the smile is so big it doesn't go away even after I open the door and take the clothes from his hands.

"Enjoy." He says.

I laugh, "The clothes or the shower?"

"Both, I guess." He scratches his head and slowly walks away.

I close the door again, stretching the grey KVU University sweatshirt and his black boxer briefs.

I snort a laugh then cover my mouth with the palm of my hand.

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