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  a sigh escaped her lips as she was gliding across the sidewalk, she felt like she was flying. she runs a hand through her shoulder length hair feeling it blowing in the wind with a warm smile plastered across her face. small flowers were placed in patterns across her locks, they were a nice addition to her calm exterior as she was dressed in colours of beige, blues and yellows.

a click, clack could be heard as the soles of her shoes smacked against the concrete below her, it seemed as she was going on a never ending journey, soon after thoughts of worry crowded her mind she came to a stop.

she slowly looked at her surroundings is awe, she had just arrived at a park, her park to be exact, or at least that's what she called it.
she'd always be at this park sitting on a rusty brown bench just in the corner overlooking the entire 20 acres, it was a fairly small sized park but it brought her comfort, comfort to just sit down reading her favourite book series hearing the giggles and laughs of little children as the would run by with ice lolly's held tightly in their hands.

as creepy as it must sound, she did enjoy seeing children having fun, having the childhood she never had. she liked having the thought that they were enjoying it for her brother, having the fun, carefree childhood that he so rightly deserved, that he was never able to have because he was stuck raising her and she always blamed herself for it even though she was extremely thankful.

her father passed when she was only five, but she had heard story's from her brother about how fun he was, how caring he was and how comforting. he passed from a tragic fire that had taken place in her kitchen, though no one knows the cause but some have their theories.

after her fathers death, her mother fell into a deep depression phase. some would say that her parents had what was called true love, they loved each other unconditionally, they were each others light in this dark world. her mother saved her father in every way a person can be saved. if it wasn't for her mother, who knows what would've happened that night, if her mother didn't get a phone call at 12:48pm on a Thursday with sobs engulfing the phone, ae-ra wouldn't be here, neither would her brother.

so when her mother received the devastating news that the love of her life was dead of course she broke down, she didn't speak to a single soul for days, even her own children, then days turned into weeks, and aera hadn't heard a single word from her own mother.

her mother simply couldn't deal with the pain which resorted in her eleven year old brother begging their mother not to kill her self with glass shards from an empty bottle of whisky. it was safe to say that her mother became an alcoholic after her fathers death.

aera's brother was all the little girl had, he helped her get to school, which meant he didn't get an education till his teen years,
he made sure aera was eating no matter what, which resorted in him going without food for some nights, even days. aera felt horrible when she learned the truth, she felt absolutely disgusting. she knew there was nothing to make up for the trauma he has to go through but she made sure she repayed him in any way shape or form. she would always help him, was it small things like paying for his snacks on their late night trip to the local store, or things like working extra shifts and getting more part-time jobs to help him pay his rent.

giggles from a young boy snap her out of her haze, a young foreign boy with tanned skin and short brown hair comes running up to her with a big shiny grin on his face, his face lights up when he spots a certain black haired girl reading a book on the same bench as always.

"Ae-ra!" the young boy shouts, still smiling. a taller girl trailing behind him with a tote bag slung over her right shoulder

aera realises who is next to her and closes her book before taking her headphones off of her head, fixing her wolfcut.

"Hello Faris, what brings you here today?" she questions in a joking manner mirroring the grin on the little boys face.

the taller girl makes her way over smiling calmly, taking a seat next to her best friend.

"Zohar!" aera exclaims throwing her arms around the curly haired girl, giggles escaping her as she's overwhelmed with joy.
"What brings you here?" aera questions, asking for the reason of her sudden appearance with out wanting to seem rude.

zohar smiles before answering.
"Faris wanted to go on the swings and we know you're always here at 2:30pm on a Saturday" she giggles. "So we thought we'd drop by and see what you're up to" zohar smiles again, her signature smile. and it was just utterly beautiful, she was just out-of-this-world stunning even if she didn't think it herself, aera was always there to remind her how beautiful she was.

after a few minutes and faris nagging them that he was bored, they decided to walk around, despite aera being here every week, she had never been to this particular part of the park.

it was stunning though, the whole park was stunning. it had rows and rows of beautifully coloured trees, but not too many so the entire park was in the shade. it had a decent sized pond right in the middle with children crowded around feeding the ducks. the park had a small cafe in the corner right by the exit, it was a fairly small cafe but it was welcoming.

she couldn't help but notice a young man with long-ish black wavy hair in the corner of her eye seated at a table right outside of the pink cafe, he was facing another gentleman who was wearing a bright grin, they seemed happy together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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