Let The Fur Fly

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Lyle's POV: I tossed and turned on my side of the bed, desperately trying to get comfortable. Shaken awake by my restlessness, I was tapped on the shoulder by Erin. "You okay?" she asked. I shook my head. "Can't sleep. I've been thinking about what happened today, and I can't say I'm feeling comfortable about it. Plus, my head is killing me." I replied. "Stay right there, I'll fetch an aspirin." she said, kissing my cheek. I watched her leave the room and looked at the clock radio. 5:30 on the dot. I turned on my cell and went into my contacts. With Danny's number highlighted, I froze before I could press OK. I asked myself whether I should really be bothering him. I'd promised to give him more personal space. I decided against it and shut off my phone. 

"Lyle, where are the aspirin?" I heard Erin ask from the bathroom. "Second shelf up." I answered. As Erin returned handing me an aspirin and a glass of water, I immediately took it. "Better?" she asked. "Much." I replied as she began to walk over to the other side of the bed. I grabbed her hand. "Could you sleep with me on my side tonight?" I asked, to which she nodded. "Sure, I don't see why not." she replied. I pulled back my half of the blanket and allowed Erin to snuggle in close to me, our eyes gazing at one another. " You know I love you, right?" I asked her, to which she nodded. "Been in love since we were in high school. You saved me from Dash that day. I fell head over heels in love with you." she replied. "I was wondering, that since tomorrow is Sunday and we don't have any plans until the next day, that maybe you'd like to go on a little excursion? There's a new art exhibit at the museum that just opened." I asked. "Of course, you know I love art." she replied. "So it's settled then." I said with a yawn. "Good night, my darling." Erin said. But I'd already fallen asleep.

I woke up not to the sound of the alarm clock, but to the scent of...pancakes? I rolled over just in time to see Erin, still in her nightgown, carrying a tray into the room. On it there was a stack of pancakes, a glass of orange juice, some strawberries, and a bottle of syrup. "Oh, good, you're awake. You were fast asleep, and I didn't want to wake you up. Here's a little something to eat." she said. "But why?" I asked. "Can't a girl do something nice for her partner every now and then? Stop talking and eat while it's still hot." she replied, placing the tray on the bedside table. I immediately dug into the meal. "I just wasn't expect--" Erin cut me off. "For now, just eat. We have a big day, remember?" she asked, obviously alluding to the talk we had the night before. "Oh yeah, right." I replied, finishing the meal in about 10 minutes. "Jeez, you were hungry." she commented. I got out of bed and did my daily routine, phasing on my clothes after I was done. 

"Can't you get dressed like a normal human? You know, actually putting on pants the normal way?" Erin asked, now also dressed. "Nope. Now then, we'd better get going." I said as we both went upstairs, greeted by Erin's parents. I opened the door, only to hear a horn honk as I stepped out. I was rushed by a frantic Danny, who had leapt from the driver's seat of the car, or rather my car. "What did I tell you about touching my car?" I asked angrily.

"I know you said not to, but this is an emergency. A ghost emergency." he said. "Now? Can't it wait? Or can we at least take Erin's car?" I asked, referring to the yellow Dodge parked next to my Plymouth. "Fine, but I'm calling Sam and Tucker to meet us downtown." he replied, taking out his phone and calling his friends. After about 10 minutes, they came running down the sidewalk. "Can't... you guys... live closer to us?" Tucker asked, out of breath. "Nope, anyway, where downtown?" I asked. Danny whispered in my ear. "NO FUCKING WAY! IN, NOW. I'M DRIVING!" I yelled. We all piled into Erin's convertible as I started the engine. Checking my mirrors and putting on my seatbelt, I peeled off down the road.

15 minutes later, outside the Amity Art Museum...

"All these priceless paintings will set us up for life!" a ghost in a suit and tie said. "And the boss will promote us, too!" a second one said, dressed in an informal look of a tank top and blue jeans. "Alright, put those paintings back before I splatter you into a Jackson Pollock!" I said, jumping out of the car, assuming my lion form and rushing the two criminals. "No way, our boss will-- AAGH!" the ghost screamed as I bit into his surprisingly solid leg and flung him sideways. "What kind of ghosts are these?" I asked aloud. "We isn't ghosts, we're poltergeists." the uninjured one said. "Oh yeah, the trickster kind. Either way, Danny, you have the thermos?" I asked, "Yup." he replied, cleaning up the splattered poltergeist on the wall of the building. 

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