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Hey guys , I made this story a long time ago when I was about 12/13 so it hasn't been edited or anything so if there's a few mistakes I apologise and please just point them out. From chapter 5 I wrote when I was around 17 so u can see the more mature and well written texts, so please don't judge based off the first five chapters.

Edit: I've redone these chapters so no it's not from when I was 12 anymore thank god.

And I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed making it too, I don't think I ever thought authors were interested in their stories since they knew the plot but I really was extremely interested although I knew the gist of the story the amount of twists and turns I kept changing it was truly something amazing to write. It's not finished yet but I hope to finish it by 01/11/2024
Thank you.

Chapter 1

The ticking of the clock at the front of the classroom felt like a hammer pounding inside my head. Each second dragged on like an eternity, and the hands of the clock barely seemed to move. I stared at it, willing it to speed up. Just one more minute. One minute until freedom.

I dropped my head onto my desk, releasing a frustrated sigh.

Is it just me or does time always crawl when you're waiting for something exciting?

"It's just you," Caleb's voice slipped into my mind, smooth and amused.

I jerked my head up, shooting a glare toward my cousin, who sat at the table beside me. "Get out of my head," I growled softly, my voice barely more than a whisper. It wasn't loud enough to catch Mr. Hall's attention, but Caleb's smirk only widened.

"It's not my fault your thoughts are screaming so loud," he quipped, leaning back in his chair with that lazy confidence that came so naturally to him. His dark hair fell over his eyes, but nothing could hide the mischief glittering in them. It was always there—Caleb loved to push buttons, and mine were his favorite to push.

A girl in front of us turned around, her brow furrowed, clearly confused by our little exchange. We burst out laughing simultaneously. Caleb's laughter was contagious, making even the dullest moments bearable. But there was nothing dull about what was coming. Tonight was going to be memorable, whether I wanted it to be or not.

The shrill sound of the bell saved us from further judgmental stares. Caleb and I exchanged quick glances before practically sprinting for the door. Mr. Hall just rolled his eyes, pretending not to notice. That was the benefit of being a Campbell. When your family owned three-quarters of the country and employed most of the people living in it, you were granted a lot of... leniency.

Outside, the afternoon sun hit us, but all I could focus on was the anticipation curling in my stomach. Caleb and I made our way to his sleek, black car, but I wasn't thinking about the ride home. I was thinking about tonight—my birthday, and the party that came with it. I should've been excited, but anxiety crept up on me. And then there was Trent Thornton.

Trent was already there, leaning casually against the car, his dark hair perfectly disheveled, his gaze as intense as ever. He was waiting for us, his posture deceptively relaxed. My heart gave a slight flutter. Trent always had that effect on me, no matter how hard I tried to hide it.

I forced my expression into one of cold indifference, trying to summon the same intimidating look that Caleb had perfected. I knew I wasn't as good at it as he was, but Trent wasn't here for a staring contest.

"Caleb. Cristine," Trent greeted us, flashing that smile of his. It was disarmingly charming, but we knew better than to fall for it.

"Forgive us if we can't say the same," I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest. Caleb, predictably, just stood there, arms loose at his sides, but his narrowed eyes said more than enough.

CAMPBELLS VS. THORNTONS Where stories live. Discover now