Sweet Prince ♥️

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As the gang made their way from the castle, they walked cautiously, ensuring that nothing unusual followed them from the sunken pit that once held the castle. SMG3 tightly held onto SMG4, wearing a resigned smile, while the latter struggled to walk. His eyes were red and bloodshot, barely able to stay open any longer.

SMG3 stopped to let the others go ahead while he held back SMG4, who had barely noticed that they had come to a slow stop.

"Hey, man, are you alright? You look pretty tired," 3 asked, and 4 groaned in response.

"Try staying up for weeks to make some stupid video, only to get possessed and used against your friends first. Then rethink what you just asked me," 4 groaned, swaying slightly and struggling to maintain his balance.

3 scoffed, "Well, I am so sorry I showed a bit of concern for your ass! Won't happen again."

4 chuckled dryly, his knees almost buckling before 3 quickly held him up. 3's arms supported 4's shoulders while the latter rested his arms on SMG3, as if clinging for dear life.

"Heh," 4 giggled quietly, though 3 could still hear it clearly. "W-what happened to never showing concern again?" 4 smirked playfully before catching himself from falling asleep once more.

3 blushed brightly and immediately started stuttering, trying to avoid looking into 4's gentle, tired eyes. "I- NO! If I wasn't helping you, you would have had a seizure, and we would have had to drag you! And I do NOT want to drag you! You're probably as heavy as Mario! And..." He stopped his rambling upon hearing small snores coming from 4.

3 was about to smack the asshole awake but stopped when he saw how peaceful 4 looked. He remembered that 4 hadn't looked this peaceful since the 18th of February.

SMG3 gasped softly.

It was the 18th of March.

Had he really neglected self-care and communication for a whole month?!

3 sighed sadly and looked down at the sleeping person clinging onto him, a look of sorrow in his eyes.

He gently stroked 4's hair before hoisting him onto his back, being careful not to wake him.

He looked back, ensuring that SMG4 was securely on his back and wouldn't fall off.

He smiled, a wide smile for the second time that day, the first being when he was lifted out of the eldritch goo and saw 4 smiling at him.

He had never seen a man so beautiful in his life, despite the greasy hair, bloodshot eyes, and the small beard growing on 4.

He sighed.

"Goodnight, my sweet prince."

((Im sticking to sfm renders so follow me on  Twitter @Faithlyvu for 34 week renders or Tumblr @Fleevyu

I may be a bit behind tho bc i owe people other ship art ~w~))

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