Shit show at the fuck factory

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I left some parts out but it's enough for the story and I felt bad about not having this posted! I will probably add and edit this some time.

Hope you enjoy this one! And the next chapter is already over halfway wirtten so that should be coming out soon!

Please ingore some of the beginning It's not the best but it gets better and more detailed as it goes on! Hope to come back to add and edit agian soon!

"Thank god your here." Shiv says as Kendall brusts through the doors of the hospital.

"How is he?" Kendall asks.

"I don't know they won't tell us anything." Shiv says.

"Where's Roman?"

"Pacing in the waiting room." Shiv says walking away as Kendall follows her.

"Where's the ICU?" Kendall picking up pace as she pratcially jogs infront of him.

"This way."

At somepoint Roman and Connor join them.


"Do they know who we are?" Kendall asks after they are kidcked out of the ICU.

"I don't know."

"Should we call mom?"

"No there's like a million people to call."

"Folks you need to wait over there."

"Right sorry." Kendall said as he and Roman backed up to where Shiv and Connor had walked.


"Ok look take me through exactly what happened." Kendall says as the family gathered in the room.

"I don't know." Roman said "It was werid. Um, it happened fast, We were just sitting there-"

"We were just talking." Shiv put in.

"Shiv kinda starting hard-balling Dad a little bit."

"I wan't hard-balling him!" Shiv defended. "A brain hemorrhage doesn't come from some chit-chat asshole."

"It doesn't matter it's not that important." Connor says breaking up their fight. The twins fought a lot ask anyone who knew them and they would have a list of ways to break up fights orginzed by topics.

Shiv and Kendall fight while Roman is trying to google something and Connor is trying to chill them both out. The Roy family learned in high pressure situations like this their insincts were to fight and argue with each other.

"According to this it sounds like a stroke,but it could be an acute subdural hematoma." Roman reads.

"Great. Get in there and operate, Doctor Google." Kendall says. If it wasn't directed at him Roman would've laughed.

Kendall and Connor start an arguemnt about cryogenics while Roman and Shiv give them werid looks. The twins walk of as the two oldest continue to agure.


Shiv stares at the drink machine. It's been ten minutes and she's cooled off. She feels bad for how she snapped at both of the boys. It seemed that was the Roy family trait they all had. Immediately get aguremntive when anything tramatic happens.

She thought about getting them a drink to make up for it. Well mostly because she was thristy but getting them a drink to make up for what she said couldn't hurt.

She went to her pocket but realized she didn't have any cash on her. Connor proably had some. He wouldn't mind but Shiv felt kinda embrassed asking him after some things she had said to him before Kendall got to the hospital.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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