Will You Marry Me ??????? 4Count love story

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Victoria(Tori) Scott-Aaron's sister 

Aaron Scott-himself  

Kieran Ackerman-himself 

Adam Ackerman-himself  

Sonny Pederson-himself 

Mandy Rain-herself 

Monique(Mo Money)-herself 


I'm new at this never ever put my stories on the interweb you call it Internet I call it interweb so if its bad dont tell me just tell me it's okay and if you like it then ill update when I can ok thx love you all and 4COUNT !!!!! 


Tori's P.O.V!!!!!!!!:)

Thank god it's my last week of school I've been waiting so long to see my brother Aaron(if your thinking Aaron Scott from 4Count then yes that's my big brother) I haven't seen him in forever ever since our parents died in that plane crash on their way back from their anniversary trip to HAWII!!!! Ever since then I haven't been myself lately I would block everyone out of my life but my brother ever since he went to that audition for the boy band I haven't talked to him in while only by text and Skype isn't that fun but when this bell rings I'm getting in my friends car and we are going to drive to the airport and meet my brother there in CALIFORNIA OMG think of all the hot guys we'll see there maybe even Zac Efron,Taylor Lautner,Rob Pattinson,etc. but you don't know anything about me so here I go. 

Name- Victoria Nicole Scott  

Fav to do-hang with my buds, look at cute guys,eat,sleep,shop,sing,dance,etc. 

Fav Food-anything that looks good 

FavBand-4Count duh One Direction(just a little),etc. 


Famous Crush- Kieran Ackerman  


School Crush- Mason Stubblefield  

Friends- Mandy Rain,Jacqueline,Monique or Mo Money  

Birthday- Valentine's Day Feb.14th,1997 

Hobbies-singing,dancing very good at both and very smart straight A student that's enough about me that's a lot  

The bell just rang going to my locker to put my crap in it an looking for my friends they are lets get this show on the road.  

~In the car~ 

"OMG can you drive any faster I wanna get home get my stuff get back in the car drive to your house Mandy's house,and Mo's house come on Jackie" Tori said

Jackie "Ok Ok I'm driving as fast as possible I'm sorry there is so much traffic to get to your house explain that Tor"

"Uhhhhh I don't know why there's so much traffic"

"Sure you do-

"I know why there's so much traffic going to my house my mom is having a party for her friend and the party starts in about an hour so we need to hurry up now" 

Then Mandy said "the light is green drive girl drive we'll be there in about 5 min or so" 

Tori said "I just called my mom and she said she'll keep everyone out my room and she'll keep look out for your car ok? Ok good this will be EPIC I can't wait to see Aaron." 

~End of Tori's P.O.V~

~Aaron's P.O.V~ 

I can't wait to see my little sister Tori I haven't seen her in forever since I moved down here to California and I know what your thinking "Aaron you have a sister" yes I have a sister and she is freaking awesome and I miss her so much ever since our parents died in a plane crash she hasn't been herself in awhile she always blocked everyone out of her life but me and now that it's over she is her abnormal Tori self all bubbly and what not that's why I love her so much and can't for her to move down here and pursue her dreams of being signed to Nick Cannon's record company NCredible because she is a amazing singer and a incredible dancer she's been dancing since she was 3 yrs. old I'm just really proud of her and plus that she gets to live with me and my boys.

~End of Aaron's P.O.V~

Back with Tori's POV 

~ In the car~

"I'm bored" Tori said while playing with her hair  

"Well if you didn't run your battery down on your iPhone 5 you wouldn't be bored now would you?" Jackie said  

"I'm sorry I was texting my brother I haven't seen in like forever I love him so much and I just really miss him he's all I have Jackie he's my ONLY family" Tori said as she was on the verge of crying her eyes out. 

Then Jackie said "Tor I'm sooooo sorry I know you love your brother and you really miss him and all I would feel and do the same thing if I were you too I'm soooooo sorry" 

Tori said "I accept your apology Jackie and its ok I know you would do the same thing I'm pretty sure everyone would do the same thing I did"

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