Chapter 1-Off to the Airport

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~Tori's P.O.V~

I'm sooooooooooooooooo exicted to see my brother thats all I've been talking about we are almost at the airport just a few more miles and we'll be there. " We're here" I practically yelled in everyone's ears "GOD Tori stop yelling and yes we know we ae here jeez calm down'' Mandy screamed at me ''Im sorry guys im just really excited to see my big brubber'' ''Did you just say big brubber" "Yes i just did is there a problem" "Nope there's no problem at all" " That's what I thought now lets get on that plane and go to CALIFORNIA" "Okay calm down girl and which one y'all gave her sugar today at school and after school?" Jackie said " wasn't me " Mo said " it was me I'm sorry she kept begging me to give her some candy so I gave it to her and she left me alone after that we just waited for y'all to come to her locker sorry guys"  

"It's cool Mo I guess you forgot what happens when she eats sugar" "I'm fine guys why is it so bad for me to have sugar anyways ?" "Well lets see last time you had sugar you tried to drive with your eyes closed and with your feet you screamed at a duck for just sitting there and you scared a bunch of kids" "I did all of that stuff I must have had really been given to much sugar WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well" "Oh well but I do remember yelling at that duck that was a stupid duck I told that duck to stand up not sit down I swear if I see that duck again lord have mercy on my soul I will yell at it again." "Ok tori you do that and have fun with it." " I will have fun with it thank you very much." 

~End if Tori's P.O.V~

Skipping to when they get to California

"OMG can you believe it we're in California" tori said "yes I can believe it it it's so gorgeous and big I love it here already now where do we find your brot" " AARON" then Aaron turns around and screams "TORI" tori runs up to him and jumps in his arms and he spins her around in a circle and then he sets her down and says "Tori I haven't seen you since I moved down here and you've grown so much well I don't about the growing part your still short from when I left" "Your so mean so what if I'm short or not I'm still gorgeous" In the background "Yes you are very gorgeous beyond gorgeous." "Who said that?

***** CLIFFHANGER*****

sorry i never updated I've been busy with school and the CRCT and other stuff  that you dont need to know about but I promise when my mom gives me my phone back everythinng will be back in place I LOVE GUYS SORRY I NEVER UPDATED BUT I WILL WHEN I GET A CHANCE BYE LOVIES

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