Chapter 15

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Kirishima's pov

I have been struggling to stay awake the past few hours but I think I may have lost the battle.

I feel woozy...

My eyes grow heavier with each passing second but I can't sleep... I haven't beaten these losers at Mario cart yet...

"Dude, are you okay? You're looking... pale.", I nod 

"Dunce face put it to nicely, you look like fucking crap, when is the last time you slept... or ate-?"

"Uh... ", before I could utter any actual words and not just random muttering, my body goes limp and I vaguely remember my head landing on something soft and warm before I embrace the darkness with nightmares that I know will soon follow...

Bakugou's pov

The red haired idiot keeps muttering shit. What the fuck is he trying to say? He needs to fucking speak up!

His body goes limp and his surprisingly soft red hair landed ON MY SHOULDER!

Pikachu, bubblegum bitch, and tape for elbows, eyes widen, they look like I am about to kill him... I may or may not have considered it. I thought about moving him or waking him up but he needs the sleep so.. I ignore it and turn my attention back to the game.

The others fell asleep hours ago but I had no such luck. Briefly look out the window to see the stars but I soon go back to scrolling through my phone to pass the time.

I start to feel my eyes finally close but...

they snapped back open when I heard labored breathing and whimpers nearby. I look down at the idiots on the floor, it isn't them... who could- oh.

I see the red head curled up on the end of the bed, I don't know when he moved over there and I really don't care. He looked in pain, he looked terrified. I didn't know what to do but my sleep deprived self decide to pull him into a hug, tell anyone this and I will end you. For some reason it worked, it calms him down, he cuddled into me.... werido, before I knew it I was falling asleep...

I feel... comfy, I feel relaxed, I really should keep my guard up... if he really wanted to he could kill me right now but...

would he?

of course he would. He's a cold blooded villain, right..?

Kirishima's pov

I wake up hugging, SOMEONE?! I stand up fast, maybe to fast- I blindly stumble through the dark towards the door, somehow avoiding the others who are sleeping on the floor. I glance back at the blond I was hugging a minute ago. My body craved sleep... I can't, I have a job to do....

I'm sorry...

I really am.

I need to stop with all this 'friend' stuff it's distracting... it'll only hurt them

and me...

I need them at arms length.

They don't want me here anyway.

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, I'M BACK! Sorry I was gone so long, I wanted to write but I couldn't get myself to write, all you writers out there get it. I hope to write more soon (I always say that, I really do try-) I want to say a big thanks to those who have stuck with this story this long and to say hi to all the new people that have joined us!

I love reading your comments, they make me happy and want to keep going, so please, please, comment (and vote if you want! I ain't gonna stop you :P)

Love you guys!

sorry for being gone so long and only giving you a short chapter, also..........I wrote most of this late at night (or early morning it depends on how you view it) with week long breaks after each sentence lol. Sometimes it switches from present to past tense and I am so sorry, I didn't reread this before I posted it so it is probably bad- anyway-


See you later my lovelies!

I Couldn't Take it, so I Broke {Kiribaku}Where stories live. Discover now