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That evening, Jeonghan went back to his house still thinking about what had happened earlier that day while getting ready for his appointing ceremony. His parents would be coming over to Jeonghan's in 30 minutes and they would go to the venue together. Jeonghan wore a white blouse with a dark blue vest over the top and a dark blue coat, since his hair was pretty grown out, he had dyed it to dark red, he sprayed on the new Serenity perfume and paired it with Chanel earrings. Jeonghan was ready in time and came down to meet his parents at the door. "Oh, look at our baby, he looks so good, oh he'll be such a good leader won't he love?" Jeonghan's mother, Hayoon said to Jeonghan's father, Kunwoo. "Yes, indeed he will be the best, our son is the best of the best, his talent comes from the both of us." Kunwoo laughed while looking at Hayoon fondly.

The Yoons arrived at the venue after a short while and Jeonghan could already spot his friends amongst the crowd waiting for his arrival at the front of the venue, "Such sweet friends" Jeonghan thought. Soonyoung and Seokmin bounced over to him first, "Hyung, today's the big day!" Soonyoung very excitedly screamed out with a big smile on his face.

"I can't believe you're gonna become the leader, holy shit!" Jeonghan gave him a warm smile and said "I can't believe it either! Oh right, did I tell you guys I talked with Choi Seungcheol today?" The others all audibly gasped and their eyes widened. "The rest doesn't of what he said wasn't important but rather the last thing he spoke to me was." Minghao urged Jeonghan to continue, they were all glued onto Jeonghan catching everything he's saying. "C'mon on hyung, hurry up and spill it. We wanna know what happened." Chan impatiently huffed and pouted.

Jeonghan turned bright red and mumbled "He said I was cute." The minute Jeonghan said that, they all started squealing and hitting each other. "I sense a new couple on the way" Jihoon and Soonyoung teased him. "Although, hyung, you've got to be careful. The Choi's aren't exactly the kindest people. I heard they're pretty feared and have beef with lots of different gangs around Seoul." The others nod their heads and even in the dim lights Jeonghan's cheeks and ears flushed bright red. During this, Seungcheol was at a distance from where Jeonghan and his friends were, he couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but he had a brief idea what as Jeonghan's friends he recognised to be Jun, Minghao, Jihoon, Chan, Seokmin and Joshua were giggling and teasing a very flustered Jeonghan.

"Hyung?" someone patted Seungcheol on the shoulders "Heya Hansol". Seungcheol turned around and saw it was Vernon. "Let's go, the ceremony's about to start."

Seungcheol and his gang made their way towards the front where his parents stood. He saw Jeonghan's father Kunwoo standing at the podium. "Thank you all for coming today to celebrate the appointment of my son, Yoon Jeonghan as the new leader of Hells Angels. I'm honored to have my son take over, let's not wait any longer, now I present to you, Yoon Jeonghan, the new leader of Hells Angels." As Jeonghan steps up towards the microphone, small gasps and murmurs can be heard as they take in the appearance of the gorgeous young leader, tall but feminine, slightly messed up red hair and soft facial features, his earrings shimmering as the stage lights shine down upon him. Jeonghan takes a deep breath, with a small nod he says "Thank you father. I've got a lot to learn in this field but regardless, I'm not afraid to serve and lead." He takes the time to look around the room as he studies everyone who was invited today, one person in particular catches Jeonghan's attention as he studies him. He remembers him to be Seungcheol he met earlier during the day. He looks far more handsome tonight in his full black outfit, black blouse with two of the top buttons undone and black pants, hair flicked back and seemed to have been wetted with water and the chain necklace he was wearing around his neck made him even hotter than he was before. Seungcheol catches his eye and winks at Jeonghan causing Jeonghan to blush furiously before going down the stage to find his friends as it was time to socialize, eat desserts and drink refreshments.

Jeonghan was mid sentence talking to Soonyoung and Minghao when he noticed the slight change of expression in both of their faces, then he felt it before he even saw it, it felt like everyone around them had stopped talking and everything happened in slow motion. He heard the slow walking of heels - unmistakably leather shoes clacking onto the marble tiles, his aura grew bigger while everyone else's grew smaller in fear, his distinct cologne was picked up by all three of them standing there and there he turns around and faces with his "enemy?" again, although this time, he's not alone. "Jeonghan, it's my pleasure to meet you again today for the second time today."

"Likewise. Seungcheol."

The two stared each other down until another person coughed awkwardly beside Seungcheol, who snapped both their attention away from each other and quickly looked away. Jeonghan took this time to look curiously at the 4 guys standing beside Seungcheol, he saw a very tall, very handsome- what the fuck are you saying Jeonghan? He mentally curses himself as he turns back to the tall and tanned skin guy radiating golden retriever energy and Jeonghan sees he's got slight canine teeth when he smiles. This guy doesn't seem at all like he belongs in this field of work at all. The next guy seems like a cold guy, his expressionless face and cold aura slightly gives Jeonghan the chills. Remember to never mess with whoever the fuck that guy was. But.. he does look good with glasses though... The third guy looks foreign. Emitting a cold aura around him, although he does look very handsome. The guy next to the foreign guy has blonde hair and seems equally as cold and seems to have a bit of a sassy attitude. Seungcheol's 4 friends seem like they should not be messed with.

"Ah, I see you're looking at my friends beside me." Seungcheol chuckles. He gestures for them to introduce themselves to Jeonghan and the rest of his friends who came over to see what was happening. The extremely tall and tan-skinned guy turned out to be Mingyu, the glasses guy was Wonwoo, the foreign guy was Hansol and the blonde kid was Seungkwan. Seungcheol was called over by his parents and so Jeonghan and his friends were left by themselves. Behind Jeonghan, he heard a collective sigh of relief "Well, that was an interesting conversation, but I'm so glad he and his little gang left because I felt as if I couldn't breathe with them piercing into our souls." They all joked and played around for the rest of that evening and Jeonghan's appointment ceremony was safe to say a success. 

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his cologne // jeongcheol (on hold, will get back to it soon)Where stories live. Discover now