Chapter 1: We Choose You!

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     "Huh..." Said Professor Gary Oak, "She sure is running late... Much longer and she might not get a starter!"
     "I'm sick of waiting, man!" Said the rather annoyed Jack, "At this point I'd say just give us first pick, and, when and if she gets here, she can have whatever's left."
     "Well she IS over an hour late..." The professor considered, "Okay. You two can have first pick. Fred, which one do you want."
     "I'll take charmander." Fred replies, causing Jack to scoff.
"Ha! I should've known a dummy like you would pick Charmander!
     "What's THAT supposed to mean?"
     "You really don't get it? The first gym uses rock types. The second gym uses water types. Do you really think that you can beat them with a FIRE TYPE?!"
     "You realize there can be more than one pokemon on any given team, right?"
     "Well if you're so smart, let's have a battle!" Jack said, picking up Squirtle's Pokeball.
     "I accept"

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