💫 Pʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ 💫

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(A/N: I'm 100% aware that the pic above is actually from the CW show Riverdale. It was simply the only pic that I had on hand of a fictional bus depot which is why I decided to use it here.

Also, there won't be any supernatural elements in this story. All characters will be 100% human. Apologies for that but it just makes it easier for me to write this story if the supernatural stuff isn't included in it.)


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(Addison's outfit and hair for this chapter)

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(Addison's outfit and hair for this chapter)

"Addy girl?"

Addison Maeve Swan or Addy as most people in the small town of Forks, Washington knew her, turned in her seat at the local bus station only to see three of her only friends in the town standing a short distance behind her, saddening looks on each of their faces.

Sighing, Addison stood up from the hard plastic chair that she'd been occupying since arriving at the depot and purchasing her ticket 15 minutes prior and walked over to the trio.

She was honestly a bit taken back to see that the Rosalie Hale, who was seen as an ice queen by pretty much all of their fellow students at thelocal high school, was fighting back tears as she looked at her.

It was the same with both Alice and Esme, Rosalie's adopted sister and mother respectively as well, who were standing on either side of the tall blonde haired beauty.

Addison could feel her heart ache at the pain that the three females were clearly feeling at the moment. She hated that she was the reason that they were all hurting too.

"I know what you're thinking, Rose. And the answer is yes. Yes, I'm still leaving. I-I can't stay here anymore, you know that. Not with the way that Bella's been treating me. Charlie has no idea what she's been putting me through since she moved here months ago and I don't want him to know until after I'm gone. It'll break his heart and I can't be here when it does. Besides, if I don't go where I'm headed now, I probably won't ever do it."

Rosalie knew in her heart that the younger girl was right. Her friend's so called sister Isabella had been completely horrible towards her ever since she had come to stay with her and their father months ago.

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