Ch 6: Training Session

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Jafar's staff emanated an energy that crackled with malevolence... and a blast of fiery red magic struck the guard leading the charge. A glowing aura took hold of the stunned man, and the rest of soldiers one by one, rendering them paralyzed. They all slumped, and fell to the ground.

Mirage was certainly impressed by how swiftly Jafar had incapacitated those men. What else can he do?

Another squadron of guards thundered towards the villains from behind. Mirage turned and slashed with her hand, slicing the musclebound captain Razoul into bloody ribbons with her magic - and the defeated illusion dissipated into the air. The rest of the soldiers ran away in absolute terror.

So far, so good.

"Hm... it's still too bright and cheery around here..." Mirage snatched Jafar's hand once more, and levitated them both high into the air. "Let's set the scene before we cause any more carnage, shall we?"

Jafar nodded, eager for Mirage to witness more of his power. "Leave it to me."

He twirled his staff, ushering in low, rolling dark clouds over Agrabah, blanketing the 'sky' above them and looming with the promise of a storm. Jafar commanded the clouds to a swirling tempest, bringing on a powerful wind that would easily knock down the weak.

"Now thunder..." Mirage hissed, exhilaration pulsing through her veins.

"Yesss, and lightning!" Jafar cheered madly in agreement.

A bolt of lightning tore through the darkened air, a blinding flash of electric fury. It struck the ground with a resounding impact, the shockwaves sending the citizens scattering for shelter. Some stumbled and tripped over themselves in their haste to escape the storm and the evildoers that controlled it. The resulting crashing thunder was deafening, the force of it making the very buildings shudder.

Jafar and Mirage were absolutely enthralled by the chaos and fear they had caused so far... and they were even more delighted when the lightning sparked a small fire in the marketplace, setting a stall of exotic fabrics ablaze.

"Fire!" Mirage seized this opportunity to introduce the likeness of her fire cats. She birthed them from the fire already started by Jafar, and they emerged prowling - massive blood-red beasts with their fur aflame. Quickly they spread out through the streets of Agrabah, burning anything that could be caught on fire and feasting on the fear of the people.

"AhahahahahaHAAA!" The two villains laughed together hand-in-hand, sharing in the absolute joy of destroying this kingdom they hated so much.

"Yes, this is what I live for!" Mirage exclaimed as they floated leisurely above, surveying their hard work. "Their fear is so sweet, so delicious..."

"Indeed!" Jafar agreed with vigor, smiling brightly at his partner in crime. "But getting my revenge against Aladdin is all I care to live for."

His dark eyes began scanning the streets below, longing to see the street-rat so he could kill him. The real Aladdin wouldn't have taken so long to confront him...

"Really? Then what do you plan to do with your life afterwards?" Mirage questioned him.

"Rule Agrabah, of course! With an iron fist." Jafar then paused, thinking. "And... perhaps assist you with your exploits from time to time, should you ever need me. This is quite a lot of fun, after all..."

Mirage felt the most ridiculous giddy feeling well up inside her when he said he would help her in the future. The thought that their alliance would continue on after they achieved their own goals... it excited her.

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