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THE glowing sceptre was balanced on the table, looking too ordinary for the amount of power that it held. What had Thor said? It could rip worlds apart, if wielded properly. Clint had to restrain himself from reaching out to it. Despite it being the object of his nightmares for many months after the events of New York - it still lingered in the murky corners of his mind now, after everything with Ultron and Pietro - he was still a mortal man. Mortals always craved power, the sense that they could control people, murder effortlessly, become rich, never die. Wasn't that what science was working towards? Immortality, better weapons, better mind control. Mind control. He looked up at Wanda as she examined the sceptre, fascination written across her face.

"This is incredible," she said in the thick Russian accent that reminded Clint so painfully of Pietro. He knew it was worse for her. Her own twin, a part of her soul, had died. He had been so young. Pietro Maximoff may have been fast but he still had many more roads to travel, more places to see. Death was never easy to cope with but it was common, in Clint's line of work. He didn't know what he'd do if Natasha died.

"It's dangerous," Natasha said, a sharp undertone to her voice. "Loki used this to manipulate good people to do bad things." Here Clint looked up at her, his eyes searching hers for any sign of devastation for her loss of Bruce (no-one could track him down. He was reported as MIA but they knew better. He'd ran away). Nothing, he thought with a sigh. He knew her and it would be better if she grieved rather than keep it all bottled up.

"That's why it's being transported to Avengers Tower," Steve walked into the room, a screen in his hand. "Tony's awaiting it's arrival."

"He's spending a lot of time alone, Captain Rogers," Vision said. There was almost a hint of concern in his voice. "Should we be worried?"

"Tony likes to be alone in his lab. It helps him think," Steve said. Clint raised an eyebrow at him and the super soldier blushed. "It's the same thing his father did. Anyway, after creating an evil robot that almost destroyed the world, I think Tony needs a break from all this, don't you?"

"How's sending him the sceptre a break?" Natasha asked.

"He wants to study it and-"

"You couldn't say no," Wanda finishes for him, her eyes dull even as she smiled at him. "Love is a strange thing. When I, um, was on the other side, when I controlled Tony, his fear was his loved ones dying. All of you, dead."

"Morbid," Clint whispered and Natasha laughed, breaking the silence that had followed Wanda's statement. "Listen, Cap, I don't care where the sceptre goes or why it's going there. I'm heading back to the farm for a few weeks. Fury told me to. My sister and my kids miss me."

"Tell Kate I said hi," Natasha said. "And tell the kids that Aunt Natasha will be visiting soon for more fighting lessons."

Clint nodded, a smile quirking onto his face. He knew Natasha loved his kids like they were her own, and Kate always said how much she liked Natasha. Loved her. Clint had spotted the suggestion in his sister's voice but never made any move towards it. He had a special place in his heart and mind for his best friend but he had another special person in mind when he thought about true love.

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