Fantasmical Character

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Name: Zydraal

Age: Relatively early middle-aged while alive.

Morality: Dungeons and Dragons morality does not work at all here.

Comes from the world I made in the Isle of the Fell(

In a short summary, the world was once ruled by an exiled spirit called Tharizdun(sharing the same name from the Dungeons and Dragons character) who came from some higher realm, and was then banished for rejecting celestial orthodoxy and trying to control his own populance. He was then thrust into an empty void called the universe, which he could not access, and was given a lifeless planet, which became his domain, and his prison.

Tharizdun began terraforming the planet and created many flora and fauna, and so it seemed that he had at long last created his victory in a realm unaffecting all others. Yet he was unsatisfied, and so felt his existence becoming stagnant, and so created more intelligent creatures, until he created Man. Man was imbued with a nature slightly different from all other animals, which was one of ambition which began to manifest as moral ideology, sin and virtue, and began to deviate from the natural evolution of Tharizdun. Hence Tharizdun attempted to drown Man in hardship and suffering by the prideful and envious nature of himself, and so Man became prideful and full of greed as well, and grew his adoption of sin and virtue, and became fully distinct from all other animals. And so Man and Tharizdun warred for all of existence and all of Man was united in a singular state known as the Empire of Man or Empire of Mankind, until Tharizdun was slain but managed to reverse the timeline, started a nuclear war against a weakened and divided Mankind, and then civilization rerose after Julius Caesar was resurrected by some unknown means(claiming to come from the technology of a futuristic European Union) against the Fell(describing any forces of Tharizdun).

Zydraal comes far before most of that, however, and lives during the prehistory in Anatolia before all of history was erased by the first death of Tharizdun. He creates the first society of Man, after seeing the rape of his mother by other men, and his inability to save anyone as a child, and so understood how morality became justified by the might that enforced it, and hence enforced his morality, of what he deemed justice when he ruled.

He understood greed, and so filled the pockets to ensure loyalty, and understood fear, which halted the subordinate from attacking his superior out of envy, yet used it to entrance against an enemy, which came from might. Once, at the age of nine he saw an old man with a broken leg wobbling, and then the sand winds took him, and buried him, and he coughed and wretched while sand filled his lungs from his nostrils and he fell and became still. And the young boy cried and cried in his sleep, thinking of how evil the world was, and yet the sky did nothing. And when he became older, and gained the voice that could command men, it was the might of the legion which dictated justice, and any overrarching force, if they were there, became weak and fickle.

He understood truth and faith, and of how his rule could collapse in the face of the strong who would create a new kingdom of a new belief, and how his faith would seem barbaric and uncivilized, and so hid the one truth of Nihilism with faith, and used the means of press to make his morality seem as the universal good. He played on the role of pride, which was understood by even the poorest of peasants, and of virtue, which was necessary for pride to come.

Then one day his rule collapsed, for he grew unpopular and was replaced by a new opponent of an unknown name in history, and he saw his influence recede, and he became remembered as one who was brutal, and who brainwashed his followers, for morality had changed, and time had changed.

Out of pride, he began to see human nature, and eyes were closed and opened. The peasant began to love the new rule, for they had been told of the horrible things that came before, horrible because they dishonored some ways of tradition, and that followed the ways of the previous tradition, tainted with heresy and dishonor. The greed of those once loyal toppled him, and as morality became subjective, it became bent with respect to the presence of might, and so he became a wounded man and many shouted at him and refused him as he lost everything, and became a vagabond, and he had little support, for power made it that those who opposed him benefited and those who supported him lost. And so he became exiled, and left.

Thus he became a wandering man in the darkness, swearing, bitter, and alone. He began to see Man's greed as disgusting, his envy as decadent, his wrath not justice, but stupidity, his lust a retarded drunkenness, and became Plato's man, who lived in a cave, not out of ignorance, but because he viewed light as a lie. And then, there was an angel of light, or perhaps of a gray darkness in the white, dark, heavy and light confusion, who presented himself as the Fell, and so the man took the name of Zydraal, the wanderer, and became the first human who became with the Fell.

Had he fallen to the depths of the demons of Tharizdun, or had he ascended past Man, had gained a radiant soul from a wounded one? What was a wound, and what was virtue and what separated it from sin? Yet he joined Tharizdun's war to contain and overthrow Man, for Zydraal now viewed Man as an abomination which deviated from the golden path set by Tharizdun, and if Tharizdun had lied to him, and would purge all Men and not those he, Zydraal, deemed evil, then good would have still passed within his life, for the new world lay free of power struggles, and so Zydraal became a devout, valuing morality over his life, as he lived the rest of his life, until he crossed the future Emperor of Mankind, and was slain.

Fantasmical OC 2023: Zydraal the WandererWhere stories live. Discover now