The Girl Who Would Be Sultan

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Title: The Girl Who Would Be Sultan
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Status: Ongoing (open to trades)
Rated: Mature
Author: QueenOfGeeks

Kallisto was born into a life of insignificance. As the daughter of the second wife in the Haram, she was nothing more than an eventual bargaining chip; a commodity to be traded and one day used to warm the bed of some other powerful man. Her intelligence remained hidden behind a veil of shyness and reserve, visible only to one person - Alastar, her handsome bodyguard and childhood friend.

But everything changed when Kallisto was only 14 when she rocked her fathers views on the capabilities of women. Her discovery of an unnamed, but habitable island on a map, long overlooked, put an end to a long-broiling war, and the Sultan of Terzia announced that the island would be colonized, to be named Akia. And, in a shocking decision, Kallisto was to be its Sultan, expected to uphold every tradition of her people, including the keeping of a royal harem.

With her coronation only 4 years away, Kallisto must train and prepare for the challenges that await her as a leader, a woman, and a wife. She must come to terms with her feelings for Alastar, knowing that such an attraction is forbidden by the traditions that she is to uphold. And she must navigate the treacherous waters of politics to select and maintain a royal harem that will satisfy the expectations of her people.

This is the tale of the Great Scarlett Emperor and her seven husbands, and of the proper selection and keeping of a harem fit for a Sultan. Through triumph and heartbreak, love and sacrifice, Kallisto will learn the true meaning of leadership and the power of love in a world that seeks to suppress it.

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