The Cackler's Web

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The crisp autumn air nips at Daro's neck, while the red and orange leaves crunch under his royal blue boots. He walks with speed, and urgency in his steps. Glancing around the bustling Tin Street Market, being outside of his Precinct has brought a blanket of unease onto him. The people's attire around him is an unusual sight compared to the affluent Precinct Two in which Daro resides, with more drab colors such as deep blacks, dark reds, and olive greens, compared to his usual shining silvers, eggshell whites, and harlequin greens.

Keeping pace beside Daro is his closest friend, Jelena. Although short and stout, she keeps pace, unwavering in her movement. The two of them stand out like Rakdos's entrance into one of his nightclubs. As they proceed through Tin Street, glances and glares are common occurrences for them, as the Azorius have a poor reputation in this Precinct.

"Keep your eyes forward and be on your toes", Jelena says passively to Daro, sensing his uneasiness. He shakes his head, a way to "clear his thoughts".

A scroll clutched in Daro's left-hand crumples under his tight grip. Inside, it contains the task at hand: quell a hostage situation occurring at La Rose Fanée aka The Wilted Rose, owned by François Rose. Only being his second assignment, Daro knows he has something to prove, meanwhile, Jelena has a reputation to hold, stemming from her family. The duo takes a turn off of Tin Street, close to where the nightclub lies. A crowd is formed outside, and a thick wall of citizens stands in a semicircle around the entrance to the club.

"Step aside, step aside", Jelena begins to force her way towards the nightclub, brandishing her Azorius insignia. Daro sheepishly follows, much quieter than his bold counterpart. They break the front line and step into the open center, which houses four soldiers, bolstered with silver and crimson armor, each with a large Boros insignia on the chest plate. On the opposite side of the opening, a well-dressed man paces back and forth while occasionally muttering curses.

"What's the Legion doing here, I thought this was an Azorius assignment?" Jelena stands in front of the crowd, staring at the assembled Boros soldiers.

"I thought so too", a large minotaur approaches Jelena. "The name's Bravius, sergeant of the 107th brigade." He puts forward a rigid hairy hand. Jelena promptly meets him halfway with a firm handshake.

"I won't complain about support, what's the situation?" The two let go of their grasp, Bravius turning to shake Daro's hand next. He reaches out and gives the best imitation of a firm handshake but his strength isn't compatible with the sergeants.

"Four suspects inside, all armed and with a single hostage; Lucinia De La Rose." Jelena takes a small step back, trying to remain composed.

"Why'd they send us for a Rose family hostage situation? Do they not realize the gravity of the situation?" Daro begins to speed up his breathing, soon gasping. Jelena snaps around and brings her open palm to his face with the force of swatting a spider. Daro recoils from the hit, both blindsided and still trying to catch his breath.

"Get a hold of yourself, they wouldn't have sent us here if they didn't trust us." Jelena grabs Daro's wrist and walks towards the well-dressed man, who still paces back and forth. "Sir, are you Mr. Rose?"

The man starts speaking quickly in a language Jelena cannot comprehend. She shoots a look at Daro, "What did he say?"

"He is. He says that this is the second time this week that his daughter has been held for ransom." Daro reiterates back to Jelena.

"I don't care how often this occurs, any practical information?" Jelena has Daro relay the question in Francois's native tongue. With another frantic response, Daro stands with furrowed eyebrows.

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