Chapter 35

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Back in Lazan City, poor Natsu was a dreadful mess. Ever since his meeting with Princess Lucy, the young man had been left feeling gloomy and miserable. His heart struggled like a snared falcon whenever he thought of the sultan's daughter, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat, all he could do was just stand in front of the palace and watch the princess from afar during the day, then dream of her during the night. He had tried to forget her, after all, she was a royal princess and he was just a poor commoner from the streets. The two of them together was laughable really. But how could he forget her when she was such a blaze of charms?

She had not only beauty but intelligence, a strong-will, a great sense of humor. She wasn't anything like all those other women of title and wealth. She treated the poor like they were human beings, and she had acted so natural around him. Behaving just like a regular girl. If only she was a regular girl. But she wasn't. She was the princess. Someone like him wasn't permitted to look at her, let alone court her. He had to be satisfied with just gazing upon her face and imagining what it would be like if he actually had a chance with her.

Then one day as he was once again hiding on the side lines of the palace, just underneath the balcony, waiting to get just one glimpse of Lucy, the sultan made an important announcement. His words stabbed the heart of the young man.

"The Verdenshav Kingdom seeks a union between our realms, the prime minster and myself believe that my daughter the Princess Lucy and the kingdom's prince should be married to keep the peace and prevent any future discord. So my people, myself, the princess, and my trsuted vizier shall spend the Summer in the Magnolia Nation in hopes that she and the prince will fall in love. Until I return, I leave Lazan City in the hands of my loyal and just Captain of the guards."

Zash was present during this announcement and he the golden scarab beetle medallion he worse suddenly started to glow. That meant a descendant of Zeref was nearby. He slipped further into the crowd, going in which direction made the medallion glow brighter and it shone like a falling star when he came near Natsu.

"Married?" He thought out loud in disappointment. "She's getting married already? Couldn't they have waited for another year?"

Natsu didn't see Zash but Zash could see him and he could hear him too. He could hear the tone of his voice as he spoke those words and he could tell what it meant. This fool was pinning for the princess. How pathetic. Though, it did provide the perfect form of manipulation for him to use.

Later that night, Nebaru had returned to him once again in his parrot form, he found his master digging around in some old, dirty, and worn clothes he had swiped from the slums of the city.

"There you are!" He said impatiently. "Where have you been?"

"Sorry, Selene had a job for me. I needed to assist her in her new plan to get the trident and I do believe this one will work."

"I seriously doubt that. Last time she went after it, she not only failed but was defeated by a mere brat."

"But this time it's different. She's striking at where the sea king is most vulnerable. His heart."

"What do you mean?"

"His favorite sister has fallen in love with a human and Selene has tricked the poor child into agreeing to give up her soul if she can't marry that human before the end of Summer Solstice. When she fails, she'll be at Selene's mercy and that leaves big brother willing to do anything to save his precious little sister."

"And what makes her so sure the mermaid will fail? I've seen Selene's sister in-law and she was a real beauty." Lust briefly filled his eyes. "No doubt any one of her daughters will be just as gorgeous. Not hard for a human to fall for any of them, even if they have tails."

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