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I hate you I hate the way that you utterly destroy me in  every argument that we have but the moment that you show the slightest bit of you being proud of me, I melt and I continue to want to do that for you, but every time we get into an argument, you say oh, are you gonna pull the mental health card? I am insane. I think thoughts the people shouldn't think and I feel like the world spins around me and I'm in the middle of it and everybody's just watching it but that's not the case and I feel like I have to put on a personality for everyone to like me, but some people still don't like me to do I put on a different personality for them. I don't know but you, you have got to be the person that makes me feel the worst you tell me I'm covered in my scars. oh I know and I'll be like that forever but it's not like I can go back and change it so you bringing it up really fucks with my head you tell me I'm selfish maybe I am, but when I do know is that you messed up on your first three children really bad and I just really really hope that you don't mess up on the other three like you did us.
Have a great day guysssss :)

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