Chapter 20~The 'Failed Experiments' tape

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I thought I'd be nice! 😂 Plus I already had this chapter done a head of time because I was uncertain about this part and if I wanted to add a mystery. But here it is!! :) Also let me know your guys thoughts!!! Id love to know!! :D
N's POV:
No. No no no no no! It can't be but she's dead! J and V killed her. That can't be the same girl. After Cyn went crazy sociopathic murder demon. JC Jensen wanted to hurry up and make us what we are now disassembly drones. And this girl in this tape why is she shown as a murder drone?! She has the leader arm cuff like J! But that's impossible!! That can't be our original leader! Or is it?
I have to many questions and I can't process all of this! That girl she's a part of our team! What were they doing to her core? I need to go to her room! If thats if it's still there. I made it to her door and opened it. Everything was still intact. I went through her things and I found a diary. I flipped to the first page. I shouldnt read it but I have to know.

'Dear Diary,
Today was so fun!! I got to meet my crew! The people I would get to lead at Copper 9!!! There names are N, J, V, and Cyn!! J and V are little sassy and rude but that's okay! Cyn is very quiet and N is so gentle and full of fun! I like N hes my favorite. In just a few more months we get to be turned into disassembly drones! And then after that in 3 months to get used to the new upgrades we can go to Copper 9. I'm a little nervous about that but I'm beyond excited. I can't wait to see the difference Worker Drones there! I wonder if they look different then the ones here. I'll have to wait and find out. I want to get to know more about N. After all I made him the vic-leader! It would be the best if get to know him more before the others! Right? I shall do that tomorrow! When we're done with our chores and things. This is all so exciting!!'

Uhh no name. There's more pages. I'll continue to read.

'Dear Diary,
I think some of the drones don't like me. Especially J she lashes out at me everytime I say hi to her. I don't know what's wrong but I'm a little concerned. V tries to ignore me and go off with J and they always whisper when Im kinda far away. Have I done something wrong to upset them? I don't know if I feel completely safe and comfortable around them. I feel like there planning something...'

Wow so J and V didnt like our original leader? J was probably jealous. But still doesnt tell me anything about this girl. And if she is who I think she is. I don't to keep reading this but towards the end there's oil?

'Help Cyn's gone crazy and the scientists here want to do something to my core and erase half my memory. I'm not sure why. J and V are looking for me. I'm hiding in my room but it's not very safe since J can get in. I just hope nothing bad happens and I can get to N before they get to me. And if N hasn't got attacked from Cyn.'

Her room? There's a closet and under her bed. But why would she hide there people always check there! I'll check her closet first. I opened the closet door and there was oil everywhere. There were holes in the wall like when you get stabbed with our wings. Seems like something J would do. But why? I know she's sick and cold but not like this. I found her Arm band and sure enough I couldn't see the name. I stuck it in my jacket pocket and continue looking. Everything was coved in oil. So I decided to go the bed. I looked under and found a suit case. It had things in it. When I opened it I found clothes and other stuff girls need but in one of the pockets I found a picture book. A photo album. It had pictures of me and this girl and Cyn. I still couldnt see the full name. Either my or Cyn's arm covered it but she looked so familiar...
I kept looking through it and I couldn't find anything else becides the Diary and Photo album. I would say I go to the lad but its completely destroyed there's nothing in there still savable.

Ring ring

"Ah yes hello honey!!"
"Sweetheart where are you me and Lily are worried sick."
"Uh I just took a walk to get some fresh air! I'll he home shortly!!"
"Oh okay honey!! I love you!!"
"I love you more sweet pea!"

I got off the phone with Eve. I found the generator room and powered it up. I haven't seen the lights in so long. I found a washing machine and dryer so I cleaned the Arm band to the best I could. When it was done I took it out. Happy with my work I flipped it over. The name read Eve...

Soooo what y'all think about this? 🤔 I wanted to do this because i thought it add more mystery and more of a backstory behind Eve and N!! And how they really first met! 😅 I know I'm confusing!! 😂😂 Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!

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