Chapter 13

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"Why did you leave so suddenly yesterday?" I asked as I packed my things for the day

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"Why did you leave so suddenly yesterday?" I asked as I packed my things for the day. It was a typical work week, and the question weighed heavily on my mind. I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I had when he left.

Reid raised an eyebrow, "Care about me now?"

I rolled my eyes, looking over my shoulder, "You wish. I just wanted to know why you left in such a hurry. That's all." We walked along the sand towards the parking lot.

Reid, pulled the straps of his backpack up, chewing on his bottom lip. "I was helping a friend out."

"It seemed pretty serious," I muttered, getting in the passenger.

He started the car, backing out as usual, "Yeah well they can tend to be dramatic sometimes." He didn't divulge anymore. He turned on a Spanish/reggaeton station and it filled the tense air on the way home.

Reid pulled up to the house, looking deep in thought. I don't think he noticed I hadn't left the car yet. "Are you ok Reid, you've been awfully quiet today. I mean your voice is annoying don't get me wrong, but it's rare to go two minutes without hearing it."

"Do you want to go bowling with my friends tonight," he turned to me, suddenly.

My mouth dropped open, caught off guard. "Uh, sure," I agreed without much thought. He nodded telling me he'll pick me up later. I said "ok," and got out of the car. I entered my house only to be pinned against the door.

"What the hell?!" I yelled.

"Jade, oh my god I missed you so much," my friend hugged me. I almost cried when I saw such a familiar face in two weeks. Alyssa stood before me, her dark curly hair pulled back in a low ponytail and pretty brown eyes staring straight at me—my best friend of five years.

"What are you doing here?" I smiled hard, I couldn't believe she was right in front of me right now.

"Well, I asked my parents if I could fly out here since you're only a state away now. You're grandparents said I could stay for the weekend too, so here I am. Are you surprised?"

"Hell yeah, I'm surprised," I pulled her into another hug, laughing. I hadn't seen her in over three years. I moved my last year of middle school and we've been online friends since. "I have so much to tell you- Oh wait, I'm supposed to go bowling tonight with Reid. You should come!"

"Who's Reid?" She jumped up and down. "Is he that boy next door, the one you said was scorching hot?"

"I did not say that," I jabbed her in the stomach with my finger.

"Hey, I have text messages, do not make me pull out them receipts." She put a hand on her hip. "But yes I would love to go and meet the guy."

"Ok, let me go take a shower and get dressed. I smell like the salt in the ocean right now."

His Summer Addiction (Removing on July 30th)Where stories live. Discover now