3 | An Invitation to the Viper's Nest

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At the completion of their meeting, the room thanked Tom and Kendall for their time, each of the suit clad men desperate to shake Kendall's hand on the way out

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At the completion of their meeting, the room thanked Tom and Kendall for their time, each of the suit clad men desperate to shake Kendall's hand on the way out. Tilly figured they were just like those same Kendall Roy fans back in college; just older and more pathetic. As she gathered her things she noticed that she was the last attendee in the room, leaving her with Tom, Greg and Kendall Roy.

The air around her felt thick. Thick enough that you could cut it with a knife and feel some level of resistance back at you. She wasn't nervous about being with them alone, she was more anxious they'd try and speak to her and she'd embarrass herself. Or perhaps they'd ask her about Florida. She glanced up at Greg quickly before Kendall cleared his throat from the back corner.

"I uh... I'm looking forward to seeing the theme park strategy, roll out over the coming years," Kendall said as he looked over at both Matilda and Tom.

Tom managed to spit out a few bumbling words of thanks and enthusiasm for the future but Kendall had stepped out of the room already. The three of them watched Kendall walk down the corridor in silence, their eyes locked at him through the glass panels of the meeting room.

"Nice work with Kendall's question earlier, you really saved my bacon. You're new in the team too, right? I heard about this new hotshot transfer from down south, our most penis shaped state," Tom joked.

"It's my job to know the strategy. Also I'm not actually from there, just worked in the state with the most roller coasters and boats," she said jokingly, trying to keep the conversation light after being thrown off by her new boss talking about the shape of penises.

He chuckled and gave her an appreciative thumbs up as he walked with her out of the office, Greg following behind like a lost puppy. Apologising for having to run to his next meeting, he told Greg that he'd want an email of the previous sessions minutes before breaking into a light jog down the hallway.

"So, uh... You're here! In New York! And you're an actual manager, wow..." Greg fumbled, walking through the maze of corridors next to her.

"Yeah, it's kind of crazy hey? Speaking of crazy, long time no see Stoner Greg, I thought Waystar would've fired you after that stint," she chuckled, only to be met with Greg shushing her loudly and looking around them for any passer-bys.

"Ah, wow, let's not be so... loud?" Greg said before stopping in the middle of the corridor.

He grabbed her shoulders in fear, then removed them almost instantly, apologetic that he had grabbed a woman in the workplace. She watched Greg in amusement, watching him freak out in front of her. She responded with the same action he had given her, placing her hands on his shoulders to calm him down. This however, looked ridiculous as he towered over her substantially in height.

"Please, please don't tell anyone here that I got... let go okay? This office doesn't know that about me," he murmured, whispering almost.

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