Stage crew meeting

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I walk into first period after being comfortable with my new classes. Finley walks in after me

Finley: "You ready for the stage crew meeting tonight"
Ruby: "I guess"
Finley: "Don't be scared, I'll be there for you"

I smile and start working on my writing

I know they'll be there for me but I kind of wish someone else was there for me
I don't know
I've been feeling weird lately

It gets towards the end of class and I see Teagan walk pass the room. My eyes are locked on her until she passes

Finely: "Ruby"
Ruby: "Yeah"
Finely: "You wanna get up?"

Finley was standing by the door waiting for me. I grab my stuff and stand with them. Then the bell rings and I walk down to class.

Once I get there I see Teagan already there and I sit down next to her

Teagan: "You ready for the meeting tonight?"
Ruby: "Yes I am"

Why was that answer different from when Finley asked me

The teacher gave us this game. We have little pieces of paper with skittles on them and we have a partner. It's me and Teagan. We both have 5 pieces of paper. We play rock paper scissors and whoever wins steals one piece of paper from the other person and vice versa. When the one partner has all of them the teacher adds 5 more and the 3rd round he adds 10 more.

I won, all rounds.

Teagan: "Wow you are good at this"
Ruby: "Thank you"

I smirk

Teagan: "I don't understand this how could I be beaten by a junior"
Ruby: "I don't understand how I could beat a senior"

The bell rings

Teagan: "Well I'll see you at the meeting"

She flashes me a smile and leaves the room and I follow behind her heading to astronomy.

I head to lunch and sit down mid conversation.

Nik: "Ok so we are meeting in the front for hoco"
Finley: "Yep"
Nik: "Theo and Demi are coming to my house"
Eden: "Oh ok, yeah I might be a bit late but I'll be there"
Maya: "I feel bad not coming but I'm the only person single there so"
Ruby: "Eden and Theo are going to be there"
Maya: "I know but my mom probably won't allow me anyways"
Eden: "True"

Like last week Jay, Jax, and Teagan all come to our table

Nik: "Ooo Jay, Jax, Teagan, are you guys going to hoco"
Jay: "Nope"
Jax: "Nah"
Teagan: "I don't know"
Eden: "well we are all here going expect maya"
Ruby: "mhm"

Teagan looks at me and smiles

Teagan: "I'll go then"
Nik: "Good"
Finely: "That adds another 3rd wheeler for everyone"
Teagan: "Isn't everyone third wheeling Demi and Nik?"
Maya: "Ruby and Finely are dating too"
Teagan: "Oh, I didn't know that, that is um, cool"
Finely: "Yep"
Jay: "We should probably go guys"
Teagan: "Yeah, Cya guys, and Ruby you owe me skittles"
Ruby: "Yes ma'am"

We all wave by and then they all turn to me

Eden: "Owe me skittles?"
Ruby: "It's because I kept winning a game that involve skittles"
Maya: "It also seems like she want to go to hoco after she found out you were going"

I look over and Finley as they lose their smile

Ruby: "No no that's not true"
Nik: "oh yeah, who's going to rutters later before the meeting"
Ruby: "Me"
Maya: "Me"
Finley: "Me"
Nik: "Ok because I gotta run home before hand so I won't be joining y'all but I just want someone to let me in"

After school we all walk towards the band hallway to meet, since it's right next to the stage.

Demi is in the play and Teagan is both in the play and stagecrew. Teagan leaves after lunch so she comes back to the school.

Everyone that is going to rutters leaves and starts walking. As we are walking we see Teagan in the red small car I saw on the first day of school. She pulls over and puts down her window

Teagan: "You guys going to rutters?"
Maya: "Yep"
Teagan: "Ok, get in"

Maya gets in the front and me and Finley get in the back. We drive to rutter and go in getting snacks and a drink and go back to wait for Finley to finish

Teagan: "So Ruby this is your first time in my car, how is it?"
Ruby: "It's nice"
Teagan: "good, I hope so"

Finely comes out and gets in. As we are going back Finley puts their head on my shoulder and I feel weird, my eyes are locked onto Teagan. Once we get there we get out and walk in.

Teagan: "Look who I ran into coming here"
Jax: "The children"
Maya: "Hey, we are only one year younger"
Jax: "You are still children"
Jay: "He ain't wrong"

Once nik and Demi arrive we all sit in a circle talking and eating before the meeting

Teagan: "So are we excited for hoco"
Nik: "Yep"
Ruby: "Maybe"
Jax: "Why"
Ruby: "Just some thoughts about stuff"
Finley: "I'm excited"
Teagan: "Hey at least y'all have dates"

It gets to the time of the meeting and we all clean up and head into the auditorium for the meeting. The meeting lasted 15 minutes and then we started working on sets and stuff. Once we finshed we went back out to the hallway.

Jax: "Ok see you guys on Thursday for full day of stagecrew"
Jay: "Yep"
Teagan: "Cya guys"

Everyone leaves and goes home. Once I get home and put everything down and I hear a snap notification.

Might just be someone snapping me

I look and it's Teagan, she added me. How did she find my snap. She then texted me.

Teagan 😊:
Hey, get home safe?

Ruby ♦️:
Hello and Yes I did, how about you ?

Teagan 😊:
Yep all good, just making sure, and also if you ever need anything I'm here

Ruby ♦️:
Ok, thank you 😊

Teagan 😊:
You are welcome darling
Darling, she just called me darling

My face starting burning up and my smile grew bigger

Why was I even smiling at that?
Why am I blushing?
What is wrong with me?

I put my phone down and go to take a shower
I finished my school year so I now have time to finish my unfinished stories. So some of the these events did and did not happen in real life, and I also realized that I still have someone's name as their real name so I'm not going to change it but you guys won't know but I'm now a junior and this person is graduated but yeah. I hope this does well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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