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"So, how is it, Suga-sshi? Being the only alpha in your band but having to listen to your older hyung and even having to follow the rules of a leader that is younger than you? Is it hard since they're not alphas and should much rather listen to your commands?" the Japanese MC asks the band, holding out her mic to Yoongi's face. Her expression reads inquiring.

There is a low sigh Yoongi lets out very slowly, all the members' eyes either on him or the MC, giving her the stank eye. "Well, actually it's not that hard at all. It would be disrespectful of me to go against Seokjin-hyung and there's a reason Namjoonie got picked to be leader of BTS. It's easy to follow with such smart and caring leaders." he answers calmly, looking at Namjoon on his right and smiling reassuringly. Namjoon flashes the camera his charming dimples and just adds briefly: "The signs of a true alpha."

The small crowd in the studio ooh's quietly and the MC laughs, compliments their group dynamic and moves right on to the next question, Jimin and Jeongguks workout routine. For the rest of the interview the band acts normal, back in the van they sigh a sigh of relief, "it doesn't seem like those alpha-questions will ever stop, huh?" Seokjin wonders aloud next to Yoongi, who was about to put in his earphones and zone out. "Huh? Oh... yeah, I guess." he answers unsurely. Namjoon goes into one of his rants about society and the different stereotypes that each one of them have heard before, Jeongguk still listening with heart eyes though.

Ever since Jeongguk's birthday one year after debut, it was clear that Bangtan would be pretty balanced in the subgender department, consisting of four betas, two omegas and only one alpha. Their manager hyung would always say how lucky they are, only having one alpha and even two omegas, it was like there was absolutely no reason for drama. The omegas, Namjoon and Taehyung were on constant heat suppressants to make the best out of their work schedule and to not distract themselves or anyone else in the band from the actual goal, that was dance, sing and rap. And if you asked Namjoon and Taehyung, they were pretty glad they got such high quality heat suppressants, honestly heats were not a nice thing to deal with when you're an unmated male idol with things to do and places to be. Such high levels of hormones always did disrupt their emotional state... so they'd rather swallow some pill every week and be done with it.

It also helped that they heard all kinds of stories from other idol groups, male and female ones, where the omega-alpha ratio was not optimal and disrupted peace. They heard of whiny, needy and moody omegas demanding attention and refused to be like that. They were independent, and efficient artists who could look after themselves. If they decided to go off suppressants, everyone's sure that Namjoon and Tae could one hundred percent handle themselves.

The betas in the band, Seokjin, Hoseok, Jimin and Jeongguk had it pretty easy in the prejudice department. They always heard how betas balanced everyone out, stayed rational in every situation and they got praised for keeping the band together, Seokjin, Hoseok and Jimin especially being known as the 'mom line', taking care of the other members so well and looking after them. Jeongguk was one of the more irresponsible people in BTS, but he was still kinda zen. Stayed neutral. Sure, he had his competitive moments, often times fans even described him as an alpha in a beta's body, but Jeongguk himself was pretty comfortable with being a beta. No expectations, so it was easier to crush your enemies. The ego push he got from beating all the alphas on every ISAAC competition was incomparable to anything. Alright, so Jeongguk wasn't the typical beta... but he was still pretty chill. After a considerably deep conversation with Namjoon at 4 AM after a concert, Jeongguk doesn't think he'd live up to people's expectations of him as an alpha, so he was pretty happy with who he turned out to be.

And then there was Yoongi. The first one to present, and even when everyone presented afterwards, still the only alpha of BTS.

At first the managers got nervous thinking Jeongguk and maybe even Hoseok or Jimin could turn out to become alphas. When their concerns turned out to be for nothing, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Only one alpha. That means almost no fight for territory, authority, manliness, et cetera.

In the stories of other idol groups subgender makeups the managers would always tell about, they never forgot to mention one or two groups with more than one alpha, and how crazy it got because of that. Those alphas were hormone-driven, stupid, aggressive, and always causing trouble by trying to prove themselves. Of course Yoongi would never be like that, the managers assured. Yoongi was always polite. He knew how to behave. He listened to others.

Only they didn't know that Yoongi was the way he was because of those stories. Ever since he presented (which was out of the blue, he expected to be a beta, everyone expected him to), he shrunk into himself more and more.

Yoongi didn't want to be like the other alphas, the bad ones, the ones he always heard about and got warned about. He listened to others. He never interrupted anyone, and when he did interrupt Seokjin-hyung without noticing, he beat himself up over it for days to come. Anything but becoming the alpha everyone fears.

Yoongi doesn't want to be an aggressive, stupid idiot who tears his band apart, he's working so hard on BTS, and more importantly, everyone else does, too. He would never start a petty territory fight or go on an ego trip and try to verbally dominate everyone. No, Yoongi wasn't like that. He wasn't just an alpha. He was a man who could emphasize with his members, who could listen and help with advice.

He still was protective of his members, he loved them after all, but not in an overbearing fashion. He pushed his food to the younger ones when there just clearly wasn't enough for everyone, he acted like he didn't notice things like Namjoon needing a hug but awkwardly side-hugged him anyway afterwards. He was all kinds of tsundere, Taehyung once said. He warned the members from danger, from stupid ideas they had, from dangerous situations, but he never intervened with their wishes and plans. Even though Seokjin, Jimin and most of all Hoseok could and would often get really bossy with the members, in Yoongi's eyes, they had every right to. They were betas, they took care of everyone and their opinions were treasured by Yoongi. He didn't allow himself that liberty, though, because he didn't want to control anyone.

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