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One day, the come home to an almost empty dorm room. They knew Yoongi had his rut coming up and was in the studio last night, working late and probably sleeping it off right now. The rest was at vocal practice and planning to go to the supermarket together afterwards, so they can carry as many bags as possible because Seokjin said he'd cook everyone's favorite meal. Seven favorite meals. They come home and are completely silent, their voices almost cracked from the intensive vocal practice they had with the new coach, who could be a pain in the ass but did her job really good...

So it was really obvious what they heard when they heard a moan from Yoongi's room.

Since they moved into the new, bigger apartment, they decided for Yoongi to have his own room, because alpha. Tae and Namjoon had theirs, and Hoseok, Jimin, Seokjin and Jeongguk shared the big-ass double room where two bunk-beds, two wardrobes, Jeongguks pumping-stuff and Seokjin's Mario collection fit, as well as their gaming station and the fan-gifted massage chair. That room was huge, so nobody complained about that (except for Tae who had to get earplugs because of Namjoon's snoring, but quickly moved to sleep in Jimin's bed anyway so that was that).

Now, the moaning was coming directly from Yoongi's room. They never heard anything during his ruts, but to be precise, he always told them his ruts were coming up (with a blush) a few days beforehand, and he always knew they were in the dorm, so he stayed quiet.

Seokjin and Jimin made eye contact, everyone going red at once. Yoongi didn't seem to hear the door lock behind them and continued groaning, moaning and panting really loudly – what the hell was he doing in there? Was his hand that good?

"We really should leave now... he's gonna get embarrassed if he knows we heard." Seokjin stage-whispers to the others, pulling his coat back on. Everyone agrees, and Taehyung tries to will down his boner for now, and goes to buy the groceries right then. They text Yoongi 30 minutes before they arrive home to let him know they're coming back with food. When they open the door, Hoseok shouts "We're homeeee!" and looks around cautiously. When Yoongi comes up from the bathroom clad in his pyjamas and a blanket with tea in his hand, Hoseok asks: "Hey Yoongi hyung, we went right to shopping after practice, what were you up to? Slept off that night in the studio?". Yoongi just nods slowly and walks past them to get a peek at what they bought, whispering for Seokjin to please get him when food's ready and goes back into his room, cheeks flushed the entire time and eyes red-rimmed.

They don't talk about it again.

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