Ass fucking in the apple bees restroom

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Biden locked the door of the bathroom before turning to trump. "You made me really angry earlier kitten... who is that Putin guy". Trump blushed "he's just my step bro Joe senpai...". Joe sighed before kissing trumps juicy orange lips, "let's fuck kitten". "O-o-o-o-o-ok senpai" said trump cutely stuttering. Joe smirked showing off his 50 yard long before trump could say anything Joe was fucking his orange ass. Once Joe was done he looked at Donald "did you like that kitten" he nodded before allowing his Tiny frame to fall into Joe. "I-I-m so tired Joe senpai". "Ok kitten I'll take you back to my crib".

As Donald slept soundly asleep in biden king sized bed Joe recived a knock on his door. He opened it to reveal Obama... his boyfriend he completely forgot about. "Hey my pookie Wookie honey wunny kins" Joe gasped "o-oh hey Obama nows not the time." Obama pushed Joe out of the way and marched up the stairs and into joes room. Only to find a sleeping Donald. "Are you cheating on me?!" Obama said turning around to face Joe. 

"I'm sorry pookie but... I don't love you!". "But Joe... IM PREGNANT!" Joes eyes widened, "w-what's going on uwu?" Asked a squeaky voice. The two turned to see trump, "you're cheating on me with this loser?!" Asked Obama. Biden nodded "get out Obama I don't love you anymore!" "Senpai?" Asked Donald holding joes big manly hands, "what's going on?". "Nothing pookie" Joe said "now go" he pointed to the door allowing obama to leave. Finally obama left, leaving the two alone. All the sudden Joe began to panic "what time is it kitten?" Trump looked at his watch "11:59 pm". Joes eyes widened and ran out of the room, "COME BACK SENPAI!" Yelled Donald. Joe stopped at the staircase his transformation beginning. "Omg..." said trump as Joe finished his transformation. "You're the legendary alpha wolf hybrid unicorn mafia leader king". Joe nodded, Donald walked down the stairs and reached for joes hot furry 6 pack."I'm sorry you have to see me like this kitten" Donald blushed "I-I think it's really hot senpai". Joe hugged trumps fragile body. 

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