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Khanyi’s location has been moving in a new direction. This is interesting. The smiles spread across my face. We are making progress here. I texted Impiyakhe to track the location and confirm it for me. I am still waiting for him to provide me with the details I want. An hour is too long for me waiting. But let me give him some time. Today is the board meeting. I really don’t know what the hell is going with my company. Another investor has pulled out making me even more confused. Did they find anything I know none of? I so like to know. I am in my office trying to make sense of everything, but nothing comes to mind. At some point I thought that maybe it was that man, but I killed him. Last time I heard he was declared dead. Who is behind me losing my clients. I shake my head and pack the file I am looking at. Even the farm is losing the cows stored bit by bit. Something is definitely wrong somewhere. 
“Sir. The board members have arrived.” That is Sthandwa informing me. I need to win them back. 
“Thank you. I will be with them shortly.” I say standing up. It is time to fight for what is mine. I follow her behind. Approaching the boardroom everyone is here. My heart skips a bit in shock. I didn’t expect a lot people. Initially they whole board investor is here.
“Ladies and gentlemen.” I say sitting down. 
“Manyala mani lawa.” Says Mpungose throwing the paper right at my chest. I pick the papers up and read through. 
“I can explain.” I say. Where the hell did, they get all the details of the information. 
“Ngcobo tell me something. Who's is the owner of this company?” Another asks. 
“I am.’ 
“All this while we have been funding nothing but fraud. You are a fraudster!” 
Another says. Looks like they know what they are talking about. I clear my throat. 
“Someone is out there to get me. They want to destroy my kid's legacy.” This is the time that I wished Thabi was here to defend for me. I need my lawyer. 
“Where has our been going?” Mpungose. 
He raises his hand up signaling for me to shut up. “No need to explain. We withdraw from funding your company further. Look for other sponsors to fraud. I cannot have myself to go to jail.” 
He stands up and walks out. 
“Please. Can we just talk about this like adults. We signed a contract.” I am trying to save myself here. 
“Clearly you did not read the contact. The contract stated if we find anything illegal or any fraudulent, we withdraw with immediate effect. Take us to court and we will see who will be arrested.” Fuze says. I have no come back. Everyone stands up and walks out. Natalie stays behind. 
“My husband warned me not to invest. My big head was here because I believed in you and now this happens. I am really disappointed. Wonder why we do not fund black business? It is because of this. There is nothing that you can do to fix this. You fooled us all and we fell right into the trap.” She grabs her bag from the table and walks out. I am left shattered and confused. My emotions are all over the place. I call Impiyakhe. I need him to tell me who is behind my downfall. I will need to deal with them accordingly. 
Afraid to even leave the boardroom. I decided to sit and think of my next move. Without these people I am doomed. These people bring in a lot of money. The bakery is good as useless. Nothing good comes out when handled by MaNgcobo. Impiyakhe provides me with the details. But it’s not the information I need. How did Thabi and Khanyi manage to buy a house worth a hundred and fifty thousand? Looking at the reports – there is no third party. How did these kids manage to live this large in just a short period of time? Something doesn’t add up. I tell Impiyakhe to dipper. I want to know what they have been up to. What if they are the ones behind my loss. That could be the reason. But I checked the accounts. Nothing has been touched. Thabi has access but she hasn’t even attempted to do anything. Are they in some sort of witchcraft. I stand up and rush out. I bumped into Jackson at the door. It’s been a long time since I last saw him. I made this disappear. I paid him a huge sum of money. All of this blows up and he is the first person I get to see. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask through my greeted teeth. 
“I received this.” She shoves the papers in my hands. He looks at the papers and it is something I am aware of. 
“Don't you think I know already.” 
“There's more.” He hands me the pictures. I am confused. It’s us meeting in dodgy places. The date when I signed the handing everything over to me. 
“Who gave you this?” I ask. 
“It was sent anonymously. Count me out.”
“You are already in.” I whisper. 
“Do not involve me.” He leaves me standing. Now what. That is Dumisa’s lawyer. I paid him the most thesaurus. He mustn't dare ditch me. If I go down, I will go down with him. 
My phone beeps. It’s a text from Impiyakhe. Apparently, all the assets are still under Dumisa’s name. How is that Possible. Did Jackon not sort that out. 
“No, no, no.” This might be some kind of a sick joke. This is a red lie. 501 fraud in broad day light! I decided to call him back. 
“Are you sure of what you have given me?” I ask. Part of me wishes he could just say no. 
“Yes. The businesses were never under your name. Even the house you live in is still under his name.” 
I dropped the phone. I called Jackson and his phone is not going through. Dumisa went MIA after the shooting never saw him or heard about him. Right now, I need him. He has some explanation to do.  But Dumisa was mourning that time. There is no way that he could have played me. Maybe his mother might know something. Is she behind all of this? I will deal with her once and for all. I walk out and I see Mcasheni running in with his hands on his head. This is my herd boy. What the hell is he doing here? I have a lot of problems already. 
“Basi. All the cows are gone.” He shouts for everyone to hear. 
“What do you mean all the cows are gone?”
Now all eyes are on us. Great just great! Now everyone will know my business. 
“Someone came by at night and took all the cows. I thought that maybe you found someone new because I did go in the morning and there were no cows in the kraal. I as Gogo and she said she did not see anything.”
“You can go.”
Now I defiantly believe that someone is out to get me. The question is who is it? I need to go home. I rush to the office to get my belongings. 

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