Chapter 21

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"We walked far." Danbi was surprised when she looked up the route back to her apartment. Chan looked over her shoulder onto the screen, eyes growing big.

It was past midnight. After spending most of the day at her apartment because of the temperature outside, Danbi and Chan went out for another late convenience store dinner and wandered around in the dark to minimize the chance of getting recognized.

„Let's call an Uber to get back. I'm too tired to walk that far again." Danbi pouted and looked up at him.

Chan smiled. „I have a better idea."
He pulled her gently towards something. She followed him confused.

"I always wanted to ride one of them," Chan explained to her excitedly, reminding her of a child whose biggest wish had come true.

„I know there is only one but with you being so small, it shouldn't be impossible if you stand in front of me." He rambled, ears hot under the hood of his jacket.

Luckily Danbi couldn't see how he was biting his lip while watching her due to the mask that hid most of his face.

„I don't know, Chan." Her eyes met, she was unsure. Chan wasn't a fan of making anyone do something against their will, especially Danbi.

"Let's try it if we can comfortably stand behind each other, okay?" His voice turned softer, seeing how she was fidgeting with her fingers, not able to make a decision.

Danbi looked up at him and nodded, a faint blush peeking through under her mask visible under the direct light of the streetlight.

Chan reached for the scooter and put his right on a slight angle on it, so there would be space for his second foot and be able to push the break. On hand on the handle to hold it still.

The younger woman stepped next to him, gripping the handle with both hands before stepping in front of the male. She still had a bit of space in front of her feet while having a good stance.

Turning to him after stepping down, Danbi nodded and smiled a bit under the mask.

"Let's do it." Chan's eyes grow big again.

"Are you sure? Are you comfortable? Do you feel safe?" He needed that reassurance. She laughed. and nodded.

"Yes, let's go home before I decide against it, Bang." Danbi playfully hid his arm and gestured for him to activate the scooter before returning to her spot in front of him.

"Ready?" His voice was low, deep and vibrated through her body with close proximity. Danbi was caged between his arm, hands next to hers on the handle.

"Yes." She was nervous, for various reasons.
Her voice is breathless.

Chan let the scooter roll forward, the second foot hovering over the street in case he needed to stop.

✧・゚: * ✧・゚:* *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧

"We need to walk the last bit. The area where we can use the scooter ends here." Chan explained after they came to a stop. Danbi stepped down and looked at the map on her phone. It was only a ten-minute walk from their new position.

She waited for Chan to deactivate the scooter before she began to walk, him close next to her side.

"Today was fun." Chan's voice was low, almost a whisper behind his mask. He looked down at the smaller female, smiling. He watched her nod and the corner of her big doe eyes crinkling, giving away that she was smiling as well.

"It was." Danbi looked up to him, seeing his eyes smile as well. „I enjoyed it."
Chan couldn't help himself and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to his side.
Danbi chuckled and wrapped her arm around his back.

Comfortable silence surrounded the pair until they reached her apartment complex. Enjoying the presence of one another.
They didn't need words to communicate.

But both hid the anxious thoughts. Without knowing they thought alike. Even if it felt right to be this close, they knew it was a risk.

To get recognized, pictures to be spread around.
But while Danbi thought about him and his members, their image and their current position with where their career was taking off to, he was thinking more about her than himself.
How a scandal could damage her, her career and even her older brother and his image.

For the moment both decided to ignore all of this.

It was a mistake.

The City of Seoul // Bang Chan [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now