How I write stories.

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First of all, write when you feel inspired and don't force it. When you force it, it won't come and you will get a headache or you are quickly discouraged. Keep in mind that this is MY method. Maybe it will help you too but maybe it won't.

Second of all. Listen to a lot of music. All genres. Music with action, excitement, calm or Fantasy. Sometimes the story just pops into my head when a song is played. Listen to the lyrics as well.

Relax and sit in a room with no distractions. Only you and your paper/pc to write or with ambient music.


1/ What genre do you want to do?

Think about what type of story you want to make. Do you want to make a story with action or something more fantasy-like?

2/ Start brainstorming.

Write all your ideas down even when you are in school/work (if you can of course). Use your phone to write it down or take a paper and pen with you wherever you go. Even when you go to sleep. Like in my case. Most ideas pop when I'm about to sleep. Write it down or it will make you crazy or you will forget it.

3/ Do you have your ideas for your story?

Try to place them in order of your story. Which scene do you want to come first and which one last? Try using a plot twist at the end, readers enjoy that.

4/ Don't forget to choose your idol's name of course.

Think about which idols fit this character personality. Is he cold? Warm. A rich CEO?

5/ Now it's time to write your full story.

Keep in mind. Do you write in past tense, future or current? I was, I am or I will be. Keep the same tense. Do you write in Author's voice or the character's voice? That's your choice. I personally prefer authors. Then you don't have to worry to switch between the character's POV (Point of view)

6/ Done with your story?

Read your story when finished? Don't go too fast and post it somewhere without reading it first. Sometimes you make spelling mistakes without noticing. So it's good to re-read your story. Better to do it a second time. I advise you to do it on google docs. It helps with grammar and spelling mistakes.

7/ Use synonyms.

Try using synonyms in your story example: Watching, staring, looking, glancing. Try not to use the same word over and over again.

I use the website '' for helping me out when I'm stuck and this way I learn new words.

8/ Watch out for the details!

If you say 'He was wearing a white hat' don't say black afterwards. If you know you will forget, write it down!

9/ Last but not least. Keep it real!

Don't say things that make no sense at all.

Example. If someone bullies you to the point that you hate him but really hate. Don't change it that you love him at the end of the story. If he has hurt you so much it's almost impossible to love that person. Also counts for a rapist

I hope this will help you on your journey. Any questions? Please ask them. I will try and help you out.

Do you have methods, tips or tricks please leave a comment below, it may help others.

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