Opposite words

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Chaos - Order
Cheap - Expensive
Clean - Dirty
Clever - Dull
Construct - Destroy
Courageous - Fearful
Cruel - Kind
Dangerous - Safe
Day - Night
Daytime - Nighttime
Decrease - Increase
Deep - Shallow
Defend - Attack
Demand - Supply
Dislike - Like
Dull - Sharp
Employ - Fire
Employ - Unemploy
Empty - Full
Expensive - Cheap
Famous - Unknown
Fast - Slow
Fat - Skinny
Forgive - Blame
Friend - Enemy
Gather - Scatter
Generous - Greedy
Generous - Stingy
Good - Bad
Happy - Sad
Hard - Easy
Hard - Soft
Heavy - Light
High - Low
Honest - Dishonest
Hot - Cold
Humble - Proud
Increase - Decrease
Innocent - Guilty
Interesting - Boring
Kind - Mean
Knowledge - Ignorance
Liberty - Captivity
Loud - Quiet
Marry - Divorce
Modern - Ancient
Narrow - Broad
Near - Far
Noisy - Silent
Old - Young
Open - Closed
Patient - Impatient
Peace - War
Plentiful - Scarce
Polite - Rude
Push - Pull
Rich - Poor
Rise - Fall
Save - Spend
Simple - Complicated
Small - Large
Smart - Stupid
Strong - Weak
Succeed - Fail
Tall - Short
Thick - Thin
Tight - Loose
True - False
Unite - Divide
Up - Down
Urban - Rural
Victory - Defeat
Visible - Invisible
Wet - Dry
Wide - Narrow
Wild - Tame
Win - Lose
Yell - Whisper
Young - Old
Zigzag - Straight


If you have one or more that are not on the list please tell me and I will add them.

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