First Date

106 1 4


Hey Folks, I'm Going to write a few of these about this game, 

so feel free to leave some suggestions (I'll do pretty much anything)

Warnings: slightly strong language







            I awoke to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, making me wish I had spent the extra 10 dollars for one that wasn't a pile of junk. I stood up and stretched my legs, dreading going to work just to be yelled at and exhausted. I reached for my dresser while taking out my uniform and apron, replacing the shorts and T-shirt I had been sleeping in. I slowly stumbled downstairs to indulge in my only joy in life: a hot cup of coffee. 

       Suddenly, I got a cold shiver down my spine...... Oh, it's just that the widows open again. That has been a problem recently--windows open by themselves when I'm asleep at night. I'm not paranoid, so I've just decided to place some books on the window frame to weigh it down. Hopefully, that would stop the wind from pushing the windows open.

       Anyway, I quickly walked out of my house and towards the diner, where I had the prestigious title of 'Head Waitress'—whatever that meant. I rushed through the doors and put down my stuff in the break room. I burst through the doors into the dining room, only to see a horde of customers and a slightly enraged boss. 


TK: Where the bloody hell were you?!

Y/N: Sorry... I overslept... 

TK: Okay. Fine. Just get out there and take some orders, will you?

Y/N: I'll get on it.

TK: One more time, and you're done here, right?

Y/N: Yes... Sorry...


       Overall, it was not the way I wanted to start my day. I started taking orders and bringing food and drinks to the hungry crowd, but I always had a lingering feeling I was being watched. I continued my thankless work until 1:45 finally came. I immediately jumped up and rushed into the break room to eat lunch.

         I turned around to sit down and-


What!? There was a guy just staring at me! 

I nearly jumped out of my skin, dropping my lunchbox onto the ground and ducking under the window.  I hid under that window for about 4 minutes before peeking my eyes back over.... thank god he was gone... I seemed to startle him, too; I quickly collected my scattered lunch off the ground and walked over to the dining area, hoping that guy wouldn't still be creeping nearby. I sat down, reached into the brown paper bag, and took out a ham sandwich made with almost expired bread and a water bottle. I scarfed down the food, but in the corner of my eye, I saw something moving. I look to the other to see what's going on, my eyes darting around the room, trying to see what's wrong. I had been on edge since that first experience a few minutes ago. Eventually, my eyes land on something grey in the window - very far away. But my heart stoped as I realised what it was,

It's a human, just staring at me with it's blue beady eyes.

      I immediately hid behind the fluffy red upholstery of a booth, scared half to death yet again, before shuffling out again and giving the most awkward, fake, unconvincing smile. 


That was the door.

I walked over to the counter and started regurgitating the pre-made greeting my boss had forced me to memorise. I hoped it was just another regular, non-stalker customer. "H-hey. Welcome to the-" I turned the corner, only to see a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at me. 

"H-hey there..."  

        The person said unblinkingly. He was wearing a black coat and a blue shirt with a heart on it. We stood there for what seemed like an eternity before the guy spoke again.

"I-I... Can I talk to you real quick...? It'll be just a second.." He said shyly

"S-sure..." I responded. He seemed like a nice enough guy, maybe just a little unsociable. 

       *I lead the way to a booth, and we both sat down*   


Y/B: "Thanks... For talking to me and all. I can seem a little weird sometimes. My name is Peter, by the way." 

Y/N: "No problem, I'm Y/N. Anyways, what did ya want to say?"

Y/B: "Uhh... I-I... Wanted to ask you out..."

Y/N: "Well - um.. O-Okay....?" *I said without thinking, still in a little shock from earlier*

Y/B "I- Is that a yes!?"

Y/N: " I guess..." 

Y/B "Yes! Thank you so much. See you later!"


        Peter burst out the door, almost exploding excitedly before I could say bye. He seems nice, but there's something off about him... Sigh. I guess I need to get through that date tomorrow; I can't just leave him hanging. Jesus, why'd I agree to a date!?  

       I pack up my things and start walking home, thinking about what happened. I have meant to make more social interactions recently; this could help me with that. Y'know... this might not be so bad after all. I open the door to my apartment and lay down my things at the door; I walk into my room... only to see an open window and a note. I widen my eyes as I slowly reach for the pink-coloured paper, slamming the window shut and locking it. My hands shook as I took the paper in my hands and read it: 

Hey! Thanks soooo much for going on a date with me! See you tomorrow night!                                      -Love Peter ♡

      I gulped and took a deep breath. What have I got myself into?


Thanks for reading! 

983 words, nice.

I'll make a part two if people want it; just leave a comment

Anyways, bye for now. Thanks again!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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