It Was Amazing.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2023.

Well... it was amazing to be able to "talk" to you. I talked most of the time and didn't let you say anything. I'm kidding!
Thank you for letting me put all this out, I tried to broke you, Josh Dallas, down into poetry.

You're too amazing not to be poetry.

Most of the time these conversations happen only in my head so I decided to show you a little about everything I think. It may seem confusing, but I wouldn't be loyal to myself if I wasn't confusing.
I hope you agreed with me at some point and that you felt comfortable with everything I said here. I felt comfortable saying.

I wrote to you in form of conversation because I felt good doing it that way. You always give me that feeling, you always make me feel better in some way.
Thank you for that, even without knowing it, you help your fans to be better every day.

It's worth it for your smile! They say your smile could illuminate the darkest room and I don't doubt it.
Your smile turns the darkest soul into pure. It turns it into good, if it is bad.

I hope I can hug you someday. There's nothing more beautiful than that.
It's when the two sides of your chest are complete, each side has a heart.

Keep smiling, always!
I love you and admire you immensely.

With love, Lara(@sirjoshdallas).

Everything I would tell you, if indeed I could.Where stories live. Discover now