The Dark Side

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Today is the day I leave home and start my first semester of college. I admit I'm alarmed and intimidated but I just have to focus. At least I have someone I know, my roommate, Allison. She's been my friend since third grade and I couldn't imagine the college experience without her. We pledged that when we walk through those campus doors that we aren't going to be worried about boys. I intend to keep that promise to her.

I was walking to my first class, eager as ever, when I stared off and realized I bumped into someone. My books scattered all over the floor, but I didn't care I was caught up in the dreamy eyes of a stranger.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention and I have no clue where I'm going" I say blushing. "Here I'll help you pick up your books" the stranger says grinning.

After class all I could think about was him and I didn't even know his name. "How could I not have even asked him what his name was?!" I
yelled to myself.

The next day I looked around for him but I couldn't find him anywhere. I gave up and went to class but there he was sitting in the lecture. There was an empty seat right next to him so I took my lucky opportunity and took the seat.

"I'm sarah" I said. "Marshall, but my friends call me Eminem" said the dreamy stranger, but I guess he wasn't a stranger anymore.

After a couple weeks of sitting next to each other as the professor gave lectures, he asked me out for coffee. What a cliche I pondered, but how could I refuse?

We had coffee and talked about our dreams, our achievements, everything about ourselves. "You are gorgeous" Eminem said. "You're such a gentleman" I said blushing so much it felt as if my face were on fire.

We made it official leading into the second semester. I knew he was the one, we both loved each other so much.

One day everything was usual, normal as ever, until I heard a bang on the other side of the room. He had punched a hole in my wall and his fists were bleeding all over the floor. "What did you do? Why did you do that?! Are you okay? Eminem what's wrong?" He just gave me a dirty look as if he were mad at me. "Don't you dare call me Eminem."

I didn't know what to do. I didn't know who this crazy, psychotic person was. All of the sudden he was a stranger to me.

"Who are you what did you do with him? What did you do to Eminem?" I screamed to him.

"I'm his evil twin, slim shady"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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