Y/N is a new student at Woodsboro high school,they go to school a month before Casey Becker and her boyfriend get killed by the ghostface killer(s?), they befriend Casey Becker the first day of school and they also befriend Tatum Riley...
Well lets...
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G/N woke Y/N up first " Y/N get the hell up before I hide your snacks-" " I'm up" Y/N said then looked around and stop when they saw the house "Wow who you fuck to get this house?" Y/n said while looking back at G/N who had a blank face while holding a slipper in their hand Y/n eyes then went wide "OK I'm sorry don't hit me!" Y/N said while hiding their face with their arms. G/N made a "hmmp" sound and got out the car, opening the trunk taking boxes out and putting them on the ground, Y/N grabbed the cat cage looking inside to see spikey sleeping as well, Y/N made a pouty face ' Man I wish I was sleep too.' Y/N got out the car putting the cage on the side walk and opening the door to see Damien asleep still so they wake up him " wakey wakey little dude" Y/N said poking his cute chubby cheek. Damien opened his eyes to see his big sister and started trying to get out the car seat. Y/N then stopped him by hold his small shoulder and unbuckle him, getting him and putting him on the side walk to see if he will walk a little bit by himself, Damien got up a bit and trying walk by himself little by little he made is to the grass in front of the house and looked back to see his big sister clapping "Good job little da-" Y/N was cut off by G/N " Are you gonna help me?" G/N said while Y/N look at them "UGHH give me the keys so i can get the door." Y/N said, G/N handed them the keys and then Y/N walk all the way to the front door.
I looked out the window to see a car and two people and a little baby in the front of the house across the street "Tatum come on you should help them while i make some cookies for them" Mom said, I turned around to see my look at the window as well " Ok fine but I gotta change first" I then run up the stairs quickly.
As I was taking more and more boxes out the trunk I heard a voice "Hey" I turned around to see a girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes " Hi there hon, do you need something?" I asked " I'm Tatum Riley, I live across the street and wanted to help you with unpacking your things." Tatum asked G/N "Oh why thank you Tatum, I'm G/N and you can take the stuff in the trunk and the stuff on ground inside while me and my kid move the things from the U-haul ." As I said that Y/N walked up to me and Tatum. " Y/N this is Tatum Riley the neighbor across the street, Tatum this is my kid."
" Y/N this is Tatum Riley the neighbor across the street, Tatum this is my kid." G/N said while I was looking at Tatum up and down ' Wow she's pretty.'" Wassup." I said with my tongue out a little bit with a smile, "Hi, I like you're nose ring" Tatum said and I quickly touched my nose " Oh thanks, i like your eyes um easy to get lost into." I said and it felt like I lost more brain cells saying that. I heard a light giggle "thank you." she says, "Ok kids stop flirting and lets get to work" G/N says while clapping and I mentally slap my face and I heard more giggles from Tatum."Ok" both me and Tatum said at the same time.
"Thank you so much for helping us" G/N said " Your welcome Ms/Mr. G/N, I think me and my mom will be come over here again to give you guys something" Tatum said while walking away "Bye Tatum." Both G/N and Y/N said while a little 'bye-bye' come from Damien, Tatum turned around and giving a wave before walking into her house." I'm gonna be upstairs doing my room mom/dad" Y/N said to G/N " Ok I'll be doing the living-room while your brother is with me." G/N says, Y/N nods while going up the stairs. Y/N open the door to their room seeing its a big room and started working.
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(his collar)
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