The Beginning

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     It all began in a tiny village. It was peaceful and all were happy. They lived in harmony, but it was not always like this. Many years ago, there was a man. He was an awful man who caused terror whenever he was out and about. He committed many evil sins. One of which was the rape of a young woman who lived in the village. He beat her and anyone he could until she fell pregnant. He no longer harmed her but was instead kind which confused the young woman. Her rage towards him though did not falter. Whenever she looked into those evil eyes of his. Only one thought came to mind and that was murder. She had a murderous rage and no one in the village blamed her. They all wished him dead. His hobby was tormenting the people and animals. Many had lost their cattle to his rage, and some were beaten trying to save their livelihood.    

    The woman waited months plotting and planning. She could not live with him any longer, but she could not risk him harming her and losing her baby. Though he was the father she felt the child was not at fault. It was her baby not his. So, she waited. She lived quietly and docile. The house was cared for, and the chores done. Catherine, name befitting such a pure and kind woman yet deep- down hatred burned so strong that it was comparable to the fire of hell. Her anger not towards the villagers but towards the monster of a man who fathered her child. No one was safe from him, and the people knew that yet to protect the young woman taken by the man they too were docile and allowed him to run unchecked. They sacrificed their cattle and even pets so that no harm befell her. 

     They pitied the beautiful and kind woman. She was once the most desired woman and now her beauty was covered by bruises. Her face always scattered with marks given for "mistakes" she made that angered him. Only one spot was free from bruises and wounds which was her stomach. It continued this way until the day she gave birth. It was a stormy night, and the village was tense. It felt ominous and fear was thick like fog. The midwife was summoned, and Catherine shouted in pain. It was beyond painful, and Catherine felt something was strange. 

    The midwife would later tell others that Catherine said it felt evil. No one would know until later what she meant. It took hours and hours for the baby to be born but she arrived weighing the normal weight. The midwife handed her to Catherine. She gasped looking down at her child. The eyes looking back at hers were filled with evil just like his. As she held her infant only one feeling came to mind which was dread. Soon though her arms began to feel weak, and she lost her grip onto her child. Her last living sight would be seeing her baby tumble from her hands onto the bed. Sadly, the poor child would suffer the fate of being labelled a killer at birth due to the death of her mother. They would later say she was born evil and would take more than just the life of her mother.

 After the death of Catherine, the villagers felt they must rid themselves of such an evill man. They'd suffer from his monstrous actions too long, so they met to find ways to kill him. Even the women were involved, and many mentioned poisoning his food which left some men worried about their food at home as their wives' shared details on poisons. The men tried having him trampled by cattle and he survived. They tried using a snake and even going as far as attempting to shoot him, but none would work. Fate sure is funny because on the 6 -month anniversary of Catherine's death. The monstrous man was killed. Joshua the son of the mayor would lose control over his wagon trampling the man to death. Everyone would celebrate but the young Joshua who felt guilty for the death of the man. So, Joshua decided he would take on the role of father for the child left behind. He being only a young child himself of just 16 years old but he felt that everyone even a child deemed evil deserved a father. 

     Joshua would regret his decisions regarding the child though as he followed the others in lying to the young girl.

* This is my first story as such I am sorry for any mistakes and would love to hear any feedback! This is just the first chapter of many to come and fun fact it's based on a nightmare I've been having recently.

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