Sustained Love •

214 7 3

Y/n L/n

Role: Fighter

Specialty: Regen/Chase

Resource: Energy

Lane: Exp or Jungle

Range: Melee


Passive: Greed of Decay
- whenever dealing damage though basic attack or skill to a hero, Y/n will gain a stack (up to 20) which will give the enemy continuous damage for 3 seconds on the first hit and will give him 40% hybrid Lifesteal (from skills and basic attack) at full stacks; these stacks will decay after 3 seconds.

Skill 1: Sleight of Hand (Buff) [CD: 9-8-7-6-5 secs]

- upon activation, Y/n will gain 30% attack speed which will activate his passive even faster and increase his survivability.

Skill 2: Dance of Decay (Blink/AoE) [CD: 8]

- Y/n will do a "dance" with his sword and deal damage in a rectangular area while moving towards the direction of the joystick. When hit, heroes within his AoE will be affected by Decay which will continuously deal damage to them in 3 seconds with each hit resetting the timer [this skill hits 9 times (basically waterfowl dance from Elden Ring)].

ULT: Emergence of Decay (Transformation) [CD: 25-23-21-19-17 secs]

- once activated, he will enter the "God of Decay" form for 7 secs. In this form, his skills and basic attack will be enhanced and the Decay effect will last longer and deal more damage.


"Come'er Yin!~"


"Ain't no "sorry" gonna save you, dear friend..~"

*Sigh* "Why does he always do that every match..?"

So...... Lemme explain;

It was just a normal day and the guys are just queued up in a ranked game, the players being Y/n in the Exp, Lesley in gold, Cecelion for mid, Tigreal as their roamer and their jungler, Aamon.

On the other hand, there's Yin as Y/n's match, Hanabi, Xavier, Atlas and Gusion; all having a friendly match up with each other, other than the Paxley brothers (junglers) duking it out.

So when it came to the mid game, where everyone has about half of their build built, Yin started to target Lesley because of her getting close to dominating the other team with him being the only to be able to hold her back, and Y/n.... Didn't like that One. Bit.

And so he also started to target and chase after Yin around the map, ignoring everyone else; only being like a guard for Lesley whenever Yin got near.


"Equal rights, equal fights, minor. GET OVER HERE!!!"

And with that, their chase finally ended with Yin dying from our protagonist's 2nd skill and the game finishing with their Team winning.

"That's what you get...." He said while he stood over Yin's dead body.

"No one touches my Lesley..."

"...Even I'm not that protective of Carmilla..." Cecelion comments.

"Sir Y/n is quite scary... Almost like Martis when he chased after madame Pharsa when she TPed (spamming recall) him..." Xavier also comments as both mages walked out of the arena.

"I bet she still shivers at the thought."

As everyone exited the arena, Y/n stood beside Lesley, still protecting her; it'll take some time until he gets out his bodyguard phase.

"Love, do you really have to do that? You traumatized the kid..." Lesley said with a small smile, gesturing to the demonically possessed kid curling up in a corner.

"Why not? He had it coming..." He chidishly replied as he held Lesley hand and led them to a tree near the arena, where they both sat.

Lesley sighed at her boyfriend's antics before a small smile crept up hier face; while it is heart warming that he's willing to go that far for her, it also got him banned in most matches because of his Yandere tendencies.

Lesley layed her head on her lover's shoulder before closing her eyes, enjoying the silence that they have going on while Y/n on the other hand kept his eyes peeled for anything; like I said he ain't coming out of that phase for a while....

"...Hey, love..?" The redhead called.


"...Love you~"

This caught him off guard as he stayed silent and looked away with a huge blush on his face before whispering.

"I love you too....

Lesley chuckles at this and lets out a sigh of satisfaction, finding his reaction cute as she gently pulled his head down and made it lay on her own while she leans on his shoulder.

"He's so easy to distract but I love him for it..~" She thought to herself while they layed there in silence.

After a few minutes, she begins to hum a tune that had always calmed them down; a tune of their early days of love.

Hearing his lover's humming, Y/n slowly calmed down, and along the middle of it joined along and began humming with Lesley. They listened to each other's voices and later found themselves feeling drowsy, as their tune soon came to an end, Y/n lets outs out a small yawn and snuggled up with Lesley which she copies and snuggles up to her boyfriend.

"...Happy dreaming, love.." Y/n whispered as he falls into the abyss of his dreams before he can even hear Lesley's reply.

She only smiled softly and lets herself fall into deep slumber, but not before uttering her final words.

"...To you as well..~"








=========E. O. C=========

And that wraps up our first One-Shot with Lesley. I hope you enjoyed your stay and will be coming back for more.

With those being said!!!

With those being said!!!

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Hail my Potato Wife

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