𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 1

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Episode 1....XO











[ Cynthia's PoV]

Hi, I'm Cynthia. My mom is Canadian while my dad is Korean and I'm a student of K.I.S.S. Weird name right? I have 2 friends, Yuri and Q . They do not like each other, more like never interacted together before. Today is a new semester at K.I.S.S , and I heard there is new girl that is coming for the US and i'm excited to meet her!

Yuri : Dae is ignoring me again!

Yuri huffed as we walked down the halls of the campus.

Cynthia : Maybe he's just studying?

I tried to ease her fury, do not mess with Yuri when she's mad.

Yuri : Oh! And I think I hit the new student with my car?

I halted my foot steps and turned to Yuri. She did what?

Cynthia : Yuri! What do you mean by that?

I asked in a panic. How can someone be so calm??

Yuri : It's nothing, she's wasn't hurt or anything. 

I just sighed. It's always in the worst situation, Yuri would be the most calm.

Suddenly, Yuri's phoned notification went off.

Yuri : It's my mom, I have to go, see you later?

Cynthia : See you!

Yuri walked off into the distance as I sighed. Where was Q when you need him?

Dae : Cynthia!

I heard Dae call my name from the other side of the hall. He came running before crashing into me.

I let out a small 'oof' before falling to the ground. 

Dae : Oh my god, I'm sorry!

Dae quickly helped me get up,

Dae and I are okay friends, he did confess that one time which was super duper awkward.

Cynthia : It's fine! Whatcha doing here?

I suspiciously asked. He's usually not alone, mostly with..

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