𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 5

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Ep 5...TBH







[ Cynthia's PoV ]

추석 (Chuseok), the day I hate the most. I can't even go home due to my parents being overseas.

If you don't know what Chuseok is, it's just Korean Thanksgiving.

I'm sitting beside Kitty and not listening to what the teacher is saying. Chuseok for me is just staying in my dorm and watching K-drama while eating food.

 Cynthia : Any thoughts about Chunseok?

Kitty : My Grandparents told me about Chuseok , but i've never had one. It's like Korean Thanksgiving?

I was about to answer but got cut off.

Yuri : Yeah, minus the genocide.

We turned to look at Yuri.

Is she talking to us?

Yuri : It's pretty much the same. You go home, eat your ass off, and argue with the relative.

Kitty : I don't have any relatives here.

Same girl, same.

Professor Lee started to pass something to us.

Professor Lee : Maybe you should take this time to study

Kitty smiled at him and said in confidence ,

Kitty : I have been studying

Professor Lee : Really?

He placed Kitty's paper on the desk, a large F on the top of the paper.

This isn't good...

Kitty : I think I'm in shock.

She looked at her paper with disappointment and worry.

Professor Lee : Your shock worries me

I looked down at my paper, a C?!

This cannot be happening. I'm a straight A student, how is this possible??

Professor Lee : And Cynthia, your grades are falling drastically. Why is that?

I thought to myself, I guess I've been spending so much time with Kitty, Q and surprisingly Min Ho that I didn't have time to study.

Professor Lee : I hope this will not happen again.

I just stared at my paper. Maybe there was too much distraction in my life.

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