𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 6

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[ Ep 6... BYOB]







[ Cynthia's PoV]

RUBIK... The place where that secret party is held. Recap, I got invited to some 'party' at the RUBIK. I wore a short black dress with long transparent puff sleeves while Kitty wore this short mid thigh dress. And I must say she looks hella fine.

We were walking to find Q when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to look at saw that it was Min Ho. No gonna lie, he looks not bad.

Min Ho : Hello Cynthia, Kitty.

Cynthia : Hey Min Ho

Kitty : Hey.

Q: Kitty! Cynthia!

Just then Q came over and I waved Min Ho goodbye before leaving with Kitty and him.

People walking by kept staring at me and Kitty, well mostly Kitty, Who wouldn't ? She is drop dead gorgeous.

Q : I told you everyone was gonna lose their mind.

Q walked over to Florian with their drinks.

Kitty looked straight ahead and her happy face turned upside down. I turned around and saw it was....Dae.

He just stared at us, well Kitty while Kitty just stood there at they both have a staring competition.

Cynthia : Kitty! Are you forgetting why you came here?

Kitty finally snapped out of her trance.

Kitty : Right! I am here to meet a new boy to kiss.

Yes, she came here just to find someone to kiss so she can get over Dae.

I took one Mocktail from the counter but before drinking, Florian poured some alcohol into our drinks.

I slowly got lost from Q, Kitty and Florian. While they were boy hunting, I was food hunting.

I looked around to see Yuri with Dae, a guy whom I have to assume is Florian and lastly..

Min Ho : What is a pretty girl like you doing alone?

Cynthia : Well I think I lost Kitty and Q is with Florian.

We just chatted while walking around. Now that I've think about it, Min Ho has been a lot nicer these days. No more insults, snarky remarks, rude ass comments here and there. He's just nice now. Well from what I see, he still does these things to Kitty.

Min Ho : You're in thought again.

Cynthia : How do you know?

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