𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 7

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Ep 7...TIL






[Kitty's PoV]

It was the day after the party and a night after that....dream of Yuri. I ran out of my room and tapped on a half naked Q's legs so he can wake up.

Kitty : Q! I have something to tell you. Get up

He looked about half dead and passed out on the small arm chair.

Min Ho: Q! Did you drink my collagen water?

Q groaned as he still laid dead on the chair.

Min Ho then glared at me.

Min Ho : Or was it you?

Kitty : What? No.

Min Ho continued complaining about whatever water while Q looked like he was in pain due to Min Ho ' screaming'

Suddenly a drowsy voice came out of Min Ho's room that got both mine and Q's attention

Cynthia : What's going on...?

Cynthia came out of Min Ho's.


She was even wearing is clothes that are like two sizes too big!

Q quickly sat up and stared at her with wide eyes.

Cynthia looked hung over but not as bad a Q.

Q : Cynthia..what were you doing in Min Ho's Room..?

Cynthia rubbed here eyes and may I say she looks adorable?

Min Ho : She was with me the whole night, I am her boyfriend after all.

Ok. That's adorable.

Min Ho looked at us with a proud gaze while Q was clapping his hands.



[ Cynthia's PoV ]

Kitty went back to talking to Q while Min Ho and I were in the kitchen making Q is coffee.

Min Ho: You Okay? You were pretty hung over this morning.

I just groaned in response. My head hurts even though I only had like a few sips.

Cynthia : My head hurts so bad

I complained while dragging the 'd' in bad. Seriously I felt like shit.

Min Ho : Here

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