𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 8

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Ep 8..LFG





[ Cynthia's PoV ]

Ahh...camping, I like it kind of but atleast we will be in those big tents with beds in them.

I'm walking behind of Min Ho and Dae but in front of Kitty and Q. Kitty and Q got together and are like back to normal? Kitty wants to know everything that happened between Dae and Yuri, but Min Ho said that it was a trap? Yea, I don't understand this boy. 

I'm totally not eavesdropping on Dae and Min Ho right now.

Dae : So how about you and Cynthia?

My head perked up. Do they not know I'm behind them?

Min Ho : We are doing very well. She's just amazing you know? Like seriously, no one had made me smile or laugh so hard like her. I literally regret not confessing earlier. Have I ever told you that she makes me feel so weird inside? Like seriously, regretting not confessing earlier.

My face is now red. Who says that to their friend?

We were slowly reaching the bus. I just couldn't hold my happiness anymore and back hugged Min Ho.

Min Ho: What the-

He turned around and I buried my face in his perfectly toned chest.

Min Ho : What do you think you're doing?

He said in a teasing tone.

Cynthia : Shut up

I said against his white shirt, my voice muffled.

He led me into the bus and I quickly ran and sat down on the window seat while Min Ho sat next to me.

The ride wasn't so long but sure was boring. Min Ho was asleep while Kitty was talking to Alex and Q was with Florian.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and it was Yuri

Yuri: Hey, can we talk?

Cynthia: Sure I guess..

I switched seats with Dae and followed by an awkward silence.

Yuri: So.. how are things with Min Ho? I heard you guys are together.

Cynthia : We're good.. how about you?

Yuri: Had a fight with my mom but now things are getting better.

Cynthia : Can I ask you something?

I asked nervously.

Yuri : Shoot away.

Cynthia : Why did you dump Dae? Aren't you guys like in love or something?

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