𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 9

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Ep 9...SNAFU







[ Cynthia's PoV ]

This is not easy to say, so Alex confessed to the principal that he is her son and Yuri found out. They got into a fight and now Yuri is living with Kitty and the guys.

Now, I'm on the floor with Yuri while Kitty and Dae is on the couch.

Yuri, Dae and I are teaching Kitty so she won't flunk and leave K.I.S.S.

Yuri and I were laying on the ground when Min Ho walked in.

Min Ho : What is happening?

Yuri and I looked up and him.

Yuri and Cynthia: I/She moved in.

Min Ho looked at Yuri and I confused.

Min Ho: What? Why?

All 4 of us sat properly and looked at Min Ho.

Min Ho: Are you a throuple now?

I threw a pillow at him.

Cynthia: Why would you think that?

Min Ho sheepishly laughed while Dae and Kitty said a simple 'no'

Yuri: I'm gay.

Min Ho looked at Yuri, blinking rapidly.

Yuri: I came out to my mom. I moved out of the penthouse. Scared. Excited.

Min Ho: Wait, so you've been gay this whole time?

Yuri: It's not a choice.

Yuri then leaned her head against my shoulder.

Min Ho's eyes widened.

Min Ho: Are you secretly dating Cynthia?!

All of us sat back up straight.

Cynthia: What?! Min Ho have you lost your mind?!

I started to hit him with a pillow.

Min Ho just started to laugh while running around the dorm.

Min Ho: The two of you just look so cuddly with each other- Hey! That hurts.

I hit him straight on the head before going back to sit with Yuri.

Min Ho: So, you're still with me then?

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