𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 10

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[ Cynthia's PoV ]

Let's recap on what happened this morning within 30 minutes. First, Kitty broke up with Dae because she has feelings for someone else *cough* Yuri *Cough*. Secondly, she and Q got too excited to check the results that Kitty got caught by the teacher and now getting expelled for breaking the rules. Lastly, I'm traveling with Min Ho during the break.

Cool right? Not.

Min Ho: Did you pack everything?

Cynthia: Yes Mom.

I rolled my eyes. He's been checking my suitcase and his for the past 2 hours. And you might be wondering, am I coming back to K.I.S.S? Yes. I actually passed all my subjects that I can stay!

Yuri was tagging with me and Min Ho to the airport to fetch Juliana! Finally get to see her!

We are now at the airport, Min Ho is waiting and check-in while Yuri and I were waiting for Juliana. I had to see her at least once before I leave.

Kitty: Yuri? Cynthia?

We turned around to the familiar voice.

Cynthia and Yuri: Kitty?

Kitty: What are the chances huh? Must be fate!

I looked at Kitty with a knowing look. It's sad that Yuri is with Juliana.

Juliana: Yuri! Cynthia!

We turned to see Juliana!

Yuri and Cynthia: Juliana!

The both of us went to hug her. It felt like forever since I say her.

I turned to look find Kitty but she was gone.

Cynthia: I've gotta go!

Juliana: Aww, why?

Cynthia: I think Min Ho is looking for me to catch out flight.

Juliana looked at me surprised.

Juliana: You and Min Ho?

She raised an eyebrow.

I just nodded before waving them goodbye to find Min Ho.

 I saw him at check-in and quickly ran towards him, giving him a back hug.

Min Ho: Woah there. Clam down thia.

Cynthia: We going in yet?

Min Ho: Almost.

We waited for a while and I swore I saw Kitty in the line.

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