For Them | 18+

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Author: AuroraBegonia

Status: Ongoing


"I really am sorry."

"I know. Now lift your skirt for me," he demands, standing behind my sprawled out figure on his desk, rolling up the sleeves of his button up.

I feel my face flush, and I lift my cheek from its position on the solid wood desk to where I knew they were standing, waiting. I lock my wide eyes with pale green ones, knowing Sebastian's my best chance at avoiding punishment.

All I receive in return is a slow, smug grin, and then a shrug, telling me I'm all out of luck.I watch as he gets comfortable, leaning against the dark wood walls and sliding his hands in his now slightly creased pant pockets.

My eyes flicker over to Nik and Oliver, who moved to take up the leather armchairs at each corner of the desk, each with wicked gleams in their eyes, feasting on my vulnerable position.

I shiver as I feel Elijah's cold hand run up the back of my thigh softly, only to pinch the goosebump-covered skin just under the curve of my ass, jolting me into awareness."

You know I don't like waiting, pretty girl," he chides, leaning into me so I can faintly feel his even breaths whisper along my neck.

I lift my hands and reach behind me to pull up my fitted skirt so that my panty-clad bottom is hit with the effects of the slightly too-high air conditioning. I shiver in anticipation of Elijah's hard hand, knowing that despite my fear, I'm also more excited than I've ever been. 

His hand suddenly reaches into the side of my underwear from behind and he slides his fingers through my soaking folds, leisurely stroking my clit. I inhale a sharp gasp of air, electricity flowing through my pussy at his mere touch.

"You're such a good cunt for us, aren't you, sweetheart? Are you going to take your punishment like a good girl now?"

Number of Lovers: 4


#professorstudent #bdsm #smutty #agegap #richmen #familyissues #poc

Its ongoing, but so far so good. The mc is a really pretty girl with south asian heritage (like me yayy) and the plot seems interesting, with good writing. All the men seem hot and nice too.

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